Next Star: Ren Danker puts an end to the old rumors about him and Ninet

by time news

Ran Danker Joins the judging panel of “The Next Star”, alongside no other ex-partner Ninet Tayeb, With whom he also appeared in the series “Our Song”. We got to hear from him about the debates at the judges’ table, the reconnection with the mythological ex and finding out once and for all whether the whole relationship was the product of publicity.

“It’s a big reality music thing. Lots and lots of energy, lots of talent all the time. A table of opinionated, strong and sparkling judges it has to be said. Overall a good experience.”

Everyone was talking about your and Ninet’s comeback to work together, how was it?
“It was very natural that there is nothing to work on too much. That is, there is good chemistry, fun, in general a very colorful table, there is a good feeling.”

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While working, did memories come up from time immemorial?
“Things are thrown at us all the time. Asi and Rotem take care of throwing us outings, Yoav, the production. Sometimes we sing songs from the series. It brings up good, funny memories.”

When you saw Ninet there was an emotion that came from the past?
“No. We’re really not there, we have an awfully fun natural connection. We appreciate each other, things she says I listen to, things I say – she listens. There is a good complement.”

Years later, there were claims that the relationship was publicist, is there a basis for this claim?
“I will not even address the question because it is a leak of this thought. God forbid and God forbid. Absolutely not.”

Tell about your work together, there are arguments, disagreements?
“There’s all over the table, not just our sons. There’s good arguments all over the table. We’re six people who each have their own musical taste and their great love for music. And their experience in music, and everyone knows it from their place. So sometimes they don’t agree, “And it’s very important, and the contestants benefit from it, because sometimes I fight for a contestant and other times someone fights. There hasn’t been a big clash so far, but I believe it will come.”

It also continues behind the scenes?
“Unpleasant to say, behind the scenes we each go to his room for a moment to rest because we have no time. We are at the table 15 hours a day filming, so when we get up we need a quiet moment from each other, and then we go back to arguing.”

What has been the most difficult moment for you so far?
“The hardest part was separating from people. It’s a crazy part like, when you look at a boy or a girl, and even if they are not children, and you have to tell them that it’s – their way in the program is over. It’s something you do not get used to, because it’s weird, because ‘who We’re on the one hand we judge, but on the other hand it’s a strange thing to say to a person ‘you will continue or not.’ In it, but try to stay professional. “

After many years of music programs, how do you make it interesting and renewed?
“Every year you say to yourself, ‘Enough, there are no more talents. What will come more Tamir Greenberg? Another Raviv Fiddler? How many more will come?’ “People who bring outings from a different angle. This year, for example, there is a lot of rock and roll, after a long time that pop has dominated, and it’s fun and it’s refreshing. It brings back the nineties but with some angle of today’s pop.”

Saying that shows become a show of judges more than a show of contenders, how do you feel about that?
“It’s something natural that happens, we’re in an entertainment show and having fun and sometimes the focus is more on the table because interesting things happen. We too, beyond being judges, we’re also performers, at this point too. “Very quickly the focus shifts to him. When I watched reality shows with all due respect, sometimes it was nice to hear them, sometimes they ate my head off, in the end I want to get excited about which contestant or contestant.”

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