After rumors of a third daughter, Neymar, 32, posted on his networks showing the newborn Helena this Friday. The child, which is the result of an affair with the model Amanda Kimberlly, was born on July 3, in São Paulo, and the striker of the Brazilian national team announced the arrival of another heir to the Santos family.
The paternity of Amanda Kimberlly’s daughter has not yet been officially confirmed by either party. But what caught the attention of Brazilian fans in the publication was that the player appeared in the image in the company of the striker’s family and friends. Davi Lucca, the player’s firstborn, Rafaella Santos, sister, and Nadine Gonçalves, his mother, are also on the program.
Neymar watches the newborn Helena with his eldest son, Davi Lucca
Instagram @neymarjr
In addition to Davi, Neymar is the father of nine-month-old Mavie, the result of his relationship with Bruna Biancardi. The two were engaged and ended their relationship at the end of 2023, when rumors emerged that Amanda Kimberly was pregnant and the player was the father.
Neymar and Bruna spent Valentine’s Day, which is celebrated in Brazil on June 12, together at the athlete’s Mansion in Mangaratiba, but they have avoided images together since Mavie’s christening. In the last few days, however, both photos were taken at parties in a romantic atmosphere.
PUBLIC/HIDDEN of S.Paulo exclusive
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