NHSO and Roche Diagnostics Collaborate for ‘Mama Ma Come Get Cervical Cancer Screening’ Campaign on TikTok

by time news

2023-06-28 11:37:57

NHSO joins hands with Roche Diagnostics Pilot organized the campaign “Mama Ma Come Get Cervical Cancer Screening” via the TikTok platform to campaign for Thai women to undergo HPV DNA Self-Sampling screening. hope to educate Help eradicate cervical cancer.

The National Health Security Office (NHSO) joins forces with Roche Diagnostics (Thailand) Co., Ltd. to organize a pilot campaign, “Mama Ma, come get cervical cancer screening” via the TikTok platform, campaigning for Thai women to get cervical cancer screening. Screening for HPV DNA Self-Sampling Manual sampling Between June 26 – July 30, 2023 under the concept You can collect your own samples. No embarrassment from the doctor. Hope to be a mediator to raise awareness of Thai women on the importance of cervical cancer screening by HPV detection and to publicize a new option for such screening by self-sampling by No need to go up the trestle make the public more aware As well as helping to reduce the incidence of cervical cancer in Thailand.

Dr. Attaporn Limpanyalert Deputy Secretary-General of the National Health Security Office said such activities It is an integration of cooperation between the public and private sectors. To raise awareness about the importance of cervical cancer screening by detecting HPV, which is responsible for up to 70% of cervical cancers. in examining with a trestle Currently, the National Health Security Office has included benefits for HPV DNA testing and HPV DNA Self-Sampling. This is a new alternative for people to choose to receive the service by collecting samples by themselves. into the National Health Security Rights Or a gold patent or a 30 baht card as well. Thai women aged 30-59 can obtain a self-testing kit for cervical cancer at a government hospital participating in the project. And to make it easier to get the test kit, the NHSO has piloted it at Health Area 7 in 4 provinces: Kalasin, Khon Kaen, Maha Sarakham and Roi Et by adding 119 pharmacies and nursing clinics as points. The target group can obtain the test kit through the wallet application. It is hoped that such activities can help raise awareness. Including building knowledge and understanding about the disease and the importance of screening to the general public in a wide range as well

“Cervical cancer is a major public health problem in Thailand. Statistically, it was found that It is the fifth most common cancer in Thai women and has a death rate of almost 5000 per year, but at the same time it is a cancer that can be cured if found in the early stages as 70% of the disease is caused by HPV infection. (HPV) strains 16 and 18, which are high-risk strains. Therefore, screening for cervical cancer to detect HPV infection in the early stages to lead to treatment This is another important measure to reduce the number of Thai women who are at risk of getting sick with cervical cancer. It is hoped that this project will make women more informed. understand and undergo a screening examination more according to our policy,” Dr. Atthaporn said.

Mr. Pichetpong Srisuwankul, Managing Director of Roche Diagnostics (Thailand), said that Roche Diagnostics As a leader in the development of medical diagnostic tools Give importance to knowledge development to encourage the public and medical personnel to have health literacy or health literacy along with the development of diagnostic innovations. To meet the needs of screening, diagnosis, treatment and prevention so that people can properly and efficiently take care of their health. This is in line with the Company’s intention of “Doing now what patient needs next”.

“We are delighted to have helped drive this campaign. which is another step of the intention of the organization in bringing knowledge to reach more target groups with more diverse languages ​​and methods that are easier And sincerely hope that from the beginning today will help raise awareness to happen make us both public and private A step closer to the goal of eradicating cervical cancer. to contribute to the creation of women’s health And the good quality of life of the people in the future, “said Pichetpong.

For the activity “Mama, come check for cervical cancer” via the TikTok platform, open the opportunity for the general public to join in the fun through choreographed clips. Cervical cancer screening with HPV DNA Self-Sampling Test Through their own TikTok platform, about 30 seconds long, to receive many prizes. Between June 26 – July 30, 2023, a committee from the NHSO will select 35 award winners and announce the award winners via the TikTok account and the NHSO website on that date. August 4, 2023

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