‘NHSO.-CR.-IHRI’ held a meeting to clarify, drawing NGOs related to AIDS to join the gold card service. Take care of at-risk groups/ people infected with HIV in the community.

by time news

The NHSO joins forces with the Department of Disease Control and IHRI to organize a meeting on “Civil Society Organizations Providing HIV Services” to register as a specialized HIV referral service in the gold card system. Accelerate proactive service in the community Take care of risk groups and infected people accessing services. ready to create equality It has now been registered 17 locations, 5 of which are in the process.

Dr. Rattapon Triamwichanon qualified person The mission group supports participation and rights protection. The National Health Security Office (NHSO) said on December 1 that it was “World AIDS Day” NHSO has joined with networking organizations working on HIV/AIDS. Declaration of Intent “U=U : Health system must be equal People with HIV must be equal” to raise public awareness of the correct understanding of HIV based on the U=U (Undetectable = Untransmittable) principle. Encourage people living with HIV to remain in the treatment regimen.

This is to push forward the intent of this announcement and achieve the national strategic goal of ending the AIDS problem. 2017-2030 In addition to the benefits of caring for people with HIV/AIDS in the National Health Security System or the 30 baht gold card that have been continuously developed. Most recently, on June 6, 2022, the NHSO board resolved to allow “civil society organizations that provide HIV and STD services in the community” that have been assessed according to the organization standards. HIV and STD services in the community by the Department of Disease Control join other public health facilities (specialized referral service for HIV and STDs)
According to Section 3 of the National Health Security Act, 2002

Dr. Rattapol said that the progress of the implementation according to the resolution of this NHSO board was held on November 24, 2022. The NHSO held a “meeting to explain the progress of training and certification of civil organizations. Societies (NGOs) that organize HIV services To be registered as a specialized referral service for HIV and STDs in the National Health Security System” via online Department of Disease Control cooperation and the Institute for Research and Innovation on HIV (IHRI), with Dr. Chadet Thammathatcha-aree, Secretary-General of the NHSO, and Dr. Preecha Prempri, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Disease Control. open meeting with representatives of private organizations public sector organization Community organizations on HIV and STDs 225 people participated.

For civil society organizations providing HIV services who join as a common service unit in this 30-baht gold card system must have qualifications according to the criteria set by the NHSO, namely: National Health Security and is not under the supervision of Hospital Act 2. Have at least 1 year of public health performance and have been certified by relevant government agencies. Or a private organization that is a juristic person certified by the NHSO and 3. There are experienced personnel who have received performance certification from relevant government agencies. Or a private organization that is a juristic person certified by the NHSO or has personnel who have completed training courses that correspond to the service.

This meeting was to clarify and understand the process for civil society organizations providing HIV services. and are interested in joining as a service unit with the NHSO in caring for people at risk and people infected with HIV in the community to receive services Including action to achieve the goal of ending AIDS. HIV is a delicate matter and requires different mechanisms. existing to work together Because only government agencies may not be able to take proactive actions. It is necessary to draw civil society NGO and the public sector to work together supported by the Council of Medical Professions

“At present, the NHSO has registered 17 referral services specifically for HIV and STDs, and five more are in the process of registering. It is expected that at least no less than 10 organizations will participate. 60 locations is another innovation.” The Mission Group Supporting Participation and Rights Protection said

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