Nicodemus exposes 2 biblical points of the position against abortion

by time news

2023-09-27 16:49:11

The mobilization of society, especially the Christian population, against the forced legalization of abortion through ADPF 442 in the Federal Supreme Court, has been motivating some evangelical leaders to take a stance on the issue, and Reverend Augustus Nicodemus addressed the issue in a publication on Instagram.

Nicodemus took the opportunity to undo, through the presentation of context, the fallacy used by a wing of the progressive militancy who declares herself Christian that the Holy Bible does not address the topic.

“For Christians committed to the Word of God, abortion is a particularly sensitive issue. Although the Bible does not contain a direct commandment such as ‘Thou shalt not abort’, this is due to the fact that in the ancient Israelite mentality, abortion was unthinkable,” he introduced.

The contextualization of the period and culture in which the Old Testament was revealed is essential for understanding how the Hebrew people viewed this subject: “Children were seen as a gift from God, and pregnancy was considered a divine blessing. Not having children was considered a curse. The generic prohibition ‘Thou shalt not kill’ covered this issue.”

“However, times have changed, and modern society often views children as obstacles to personal, financial and social fulfillment. The church must continue to be guided by the Word of God, which values ​​life”, added the Presbyterian pastor.

Regarding “the humanity of the fetus”, Nicodemus recalled that much of the “debate on abortion revolves around the question of when the embryo/fetus becomes a human being with the right to life”, which involves not only religious issues, but also scientific.

“Some argue that this only occurs after a certain period of gestation, while others argue that life begins at conception, including biologists, geneticists and doctors. The Scriptures also confirm that God considers the lives of unborn children to be sacred. Although some passages are difficult to interpret, the Bible teaches that man’s body, life and moral faculties originate at conception”, he highlighted.

Christianity, in this way, has “the sanctity of life” as a foundation of its message and practice: “Society often does not recognize the sanctity of life. They replace the value of human life with utilitarian and selfish factors, such as personal and financial convenience. The church must maintain the concept that humans are made in the image of God and have an immortal soul, distinct from all other forms of life. Human life should not be determined by sociological and financial factors, but rather by the intrinsic value it possesses.”

Nicodemus reiterated his already known stance against abortion: “In the face of complex situations such as high-risk pregnancy and rape, the solution must always be in favor of life.”

“The church must offer guidance, support and compassion to those facing such difficult dilemmas. Condemnation does not replace the need for support and monitoring. The pain and suffering of rape victims will not be resolved through abortion. It is important that the Church is present to help and guide in such challenging times”, finished o pastor.

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