Nigella sativa a blessing or a curse? Damage and benefits of Nigella sativa for the body for adults and children

by time news

Nigella sativa a blessing or a curse? Damage and benefits of Nigella sativa for the body for adults and children

Nigella sativa side effectsThe black bean or nigella is that small-sized pill with a strong black color that is added to many foods and has been used a lot to take advantage of its therapeutic properties in treating many health problems, but despite all the health benefits it provides to us, we must be fully aware. Damages that black seed Nigella sativa in order to use it in a reasonable and in the right way only for it.

black seed benefits

Before knowing the damages of the black seed, this distinctive black seed, we must take a small look at the benefits it provides to us, which makes it the ideal way to treat several diseases. It is rich in antioxidants, which have an effective role in eliminating free radicals that form inside the body between cells and cause cancer. Of its various kinds, there is a tremendous ability of the Nigella sativa to improve the condition of the respiratory system and the digestive system, and it also works to strengthen the immune system to counter infections and various diseases, for all that, the Nigella sativa is one of the foods that are useful to us, but on the other hand there are many damages to it for adults and children, especially on the Kidneys should be careful.

Warning of the harm of nigella

There are many studies that have been conducted to find out the effect of Nigella sativa on a group of large and small individuals, women and men, and the following damages have been monitored:

  1. It affects the speed of blood clotting, as it works to delay it. This is why it is not recommended to take nigella for patients with hemorrhagic conditions, and it is certainly not recommended to take it before entering the operations about two weeks.
  2. It may cause low blood pressure as well as sugar, so you should not take it too much and keep track of the level of pressure and sugar constantly while eating it.
  3. Excessive intake of Nigella sativa affects the kidneys in the future, increasing the chances of stones and kidney damage, as well as another liver problem.
  4. As for pregnant women, it reduces uterine contractions and thus poses a threat to the life of the pregnant woman, and it must be taken under the advice of a doctor and in the quantity that he determines.
  5. For this reason, it is recommended to eat Nigella sativa only in limited quantities, with no more than a granite quantity over a twelve-week period.

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