Niger: in Benin, the ECOWAS military intervention project is under debate

by time news

2023-08-17 18:17:15

The crisis in Niger is present in the socio-political news of Benin, a neighbor of the country where the putschist soldiers are under the threat of military intervention by ECOWAS. However, the plan to use force to restore constitutional order is far from being shared on the Benin scene, which has seen the reaction of actors from political and religious circles.

The political situation in Niger is being scrutinized in neighboring Benin, which shares its northern border with this vast Sahel state, which has been ruled since July 26, 2023 by soldiers following a coup against President Mohamed Bazoum. The reinstatement of the latter in his functions could be done by a military operation announced by the Community of West African States (ECOWAS). This Thursday, the ECOWAS defense committee bringing together the chiefs of staff of the member states begins a two-day meeting to discuss the operational details of the expedition.

Benin in solidarity with ECOWAS options

The Beninese authorities have, on several occasions, displayed the country’s official position, which aligns with that of ECOWAS. President Patrice Talon, his Minister of Foreign Affairs and then the government spokesperson, in their various speeches, defended the military intervention project. It will not be a “war against Niger”for example, said government spokesman Wilfried Léandre Houngbédji during the Focus program on ORTB TV.

President Patrice Talon at the end of the second extraordinary summit of ECOWAS Heads of State which gave the green light to a military intervention, declared:

“In no way will ECOWAS allow coups to become the means by which rulers should be ruled. If we let this happen, our sub-region will be disintegrated. We have decided that if we have no choice, it will be by force that the wrong force will be defeated.”

Opposition to military intervention

The official position of the Beninese State is however not shared by other actors in society. The Catholic Church, through the Episcopal Conference, has called for a peaceful resolution of the Nigerien crisis, hoping that Benin will be in this process, “the torchbearer of the diplomatic channel”. The Catholic bishops of Benin also affirm their “Opposition to any military option that would drag Niger and the countries of the sub-region into the throes of the crackling of arms and their heavy consequences”.

Same story with Muslims. The Islamic Union of Benin called on the authorities of Benin and those of ECOWAS to act in the direction of a gradual return to constitutional order in Niger, through dialogue. The press release from its president, “advises against any military intervention”, in view of the “complex situations in countries such as Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Libya… where military interventions have caused more suffering”.

On the political side, the opposition party Les Démocrates also spoke out against military intervention. Deputies from the party challenged the government with around twenty questions which must be debated at the next parliamentary session. “Benin and Niger being brotherly peoples, what justifies Benin agreeing to send its troops to attack Niger while other ECOWAS countries not bordering Niger refuse to do so? participate ?”said one of them.

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