Niger: sanctions from UEMOA and ECOWAS to bring down the putschists

by time news

2023-07-31 15:12:15

In Niger, the soldiers who overthrew President Mohamed Bazoum are under threat from ECOWAS and UEMOA. Meeting in extraordinary session, this Sunday, July 30, 2023 in Abuja, the heads of state and government of the region adopted several sanctions to strike the military junta. They also gave the latter an ultimatum to restore the deposed president, failing which other options would be considered, including military intervention.

Less than a week after the coup that overthrew President Mohamed Bazoum in Niger, sub-regional sanctions fell. Gathered in extraordinary session in Abuja to consider the situation in Niger, the heads of state of the region, under the aegis of UEMOA, adopted several sanctions against the country but especially against the perpetrators of the coup. of strength. The sanctions, a dozen in total, are other economic and financial.

It was the president of the UEMOA commission who, on reading the final communiqué of the meeting, revealed the content of the measures taken against Niger and the soldiers who took the helm of the country. It is :

the closure of air and land borders between Niger and the WAEMU countries, the ban on overflight of the airspace to any aircraft from or to Niger, the suspension of all commercial and financial transactions between the countries of WAEMU and Niger, including those relating to petroleum products, electricity, goods and services, the suspension of all financial transactions between WAEMU countries and Niger, the freezing of financial and monetary assets of the State of Niger to the BCEAO and in the commercial banks of the WAEMU countries, the freezing of financial and monetary assets of public and parastatal enterprises in Niger at the Central Bank of West African States ( Bceao) and in commercial banks in WAEMU countries, the suspension of financial transactions between banks in Niger and banks and banks established in other WAEMU countries, the suspension of all assistance and financial transactions in favor of of Niger by the WAEMU financing institutions, particularly the West African Development Bank (Boad), the travel ban for the perpetrators of this coup attempt, the freezing of their financial assets and the confiscation of their assets, the ban on travel, the freezing of assets and the confiscation of property applies to all civilians or military persons who participate in institutions, bodies of government that the military would attempt to constitute in this coup de force, they will also apply to the families of the persons concerned who would also be prohibited from staying in the countries of the UEMOA space.

This series of sanctions is in addition to those already taken by other partner countries of Niger after the coup d’etat of General Abdourahamane Tiani. France, for example, has announced the suspension of all its budgetary aid, including official development assistance estimated at 120 million euros in 2022. For its part, the European Union, which has allocated 503 million euros of its budget in Niger for the period 2021-2024, announced the suspension of its security and financial cooperation with the country.

The Heads of State of West Africa have not contented themselves with pronouncing sanctions. During another meeting extended to ECOWAS leaders, they reiterated their support for President Mohamed and their commitment to a return to constitutional order in the country.

Thus, the Heads of State of ECOWAS have set a seven-day ultimatum for the soldiers in place to return to their barracks after handing over power to President Mohamed Bazoum. This requirement is also that of the African Union (AU). The AU Peace and Security Council “demands from the military the immediate and unconditional return to their barracks and the restoration of constitutional authority, within a maximum period of fifteen days” in Niger.

Within ECOWAS, recourse to military intervention is not excluded. It will aim to restore constitutional order in order to return power to President Mohamed Bazoum. “In the event that the demands of the Conference are not met within one week, the Conference will take all measures to restore constitutional order in the Republic. Such measures could include the use of force”warned the Heads of State in their final communiqué.

#Niger #sanctions #UEMOA #ECOWAS #bring #putschists

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