Nine basic rules to travel by car this summer without frights

by time news

S. M.



For all those who plan a vacation in a private or rental vehicle, it is highly recommended that organize your trip in advancebefore the roads start to fill up. Statistics show that Spaniards travel an average of 500 kilometers by car. For this reason, Virtuo, the first app that allows you to rent new and latest-generation cars for days and without paperwork, offers nine essential tips for those long car routes:

Check the car before traveling: It is necessary to tune up the vehicle to check that everything is in order before starting the trip. This should include an accurate check of the battery, a check of the condition of the wheels, that the brakes are working properly and that the motor is perfectly lubricated.

Nor should we overlook the windshield washer and wipers and that the indicators are in good condition and well regulated. And do not forget to check the air conditioning because in the event that noises are heard, it will be better to check it.

plan the route: To avoid bad times or unexpected surprises on the road, it is advisable to carefully study the itinerary that you want to follow. It is important to find out about the state of the roads or the traffic at certain times. It is advisable to plan the driving time, the possible routes and stops, and to have a plan B. This helps to reduce stress considerably.

Everything in order and traffic regulations: You have to make sure that all the papers of the car are in order. And do not forget to bring the registration certificate and the technical sheet of the vehicle. If the road trip crosses different countries in Europe, it is advisable to check the traffic regulations beforehand to avoid surprises. Speed ​​rules and limits vary from place to place. In addition, do not forget to bring the position triangles and the reflective vest, as well as the first aid kit.

If you travel with children: Commuting can be exhausting. Little ones can get overwhelmed and be repetitive and intense during the journey, so involving them in the trip can be very helpful. For example, you can pack your own suitcase. It is also advisable to take games or activities to do in the car and occupy the hours of travel. Planning the stops so that they can play and rest is another key point. And during the tour you have to make sure that they go with their belts on or tied well and with the car seat properly anchored, in case they need it.

Stop every two hours, stretch your legs and hydrate: Organizations such as the DGT (Directorate General of Traffic) advise resting every two hours or approximately every 200 or 300 kilometers traveled to stretch your legs, relax, take a short walk, refresh your face with fresh water and, above all, hydrate. Even if you are not tired, you have to do it to avoid the feeling of fatigue that can be aggravated on summer trips due to the sun and heat.

insert driving: Do not leave the driving in charge of a single person. If you have a travel companion who knows how to drive, it is advisable to share the responsibility, since this will allow each one to be more rested and with greater concentration.

Wear comfortable and fresh clothes: Clothing and footwear must be comfortable, especially in the case of the driver. Inappropriate footwear can reduce the ability to react to certain situations and increase the risk of accidents. Flip-flops and sandals, and heeled or rigid shoes should be avoided. Likewise, it is advisable to wear good sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun, with sunscreens if you are sensitive to light and, above all, they must be approved.

take care of meals: Special attention must be paid to food, especially if the trip is very long. It is recommended not to eat large meals before driving as digestion becomes heavy and can contribute to sleep. The ideal is to eat light and easily digestible foods. Likewise, contraindicated medications should be avoided while driving. And very important! avoid alcoholic beverages.

Take the rested car: During the trip it is important to drive in a relaxed way, but not distracted to avoid tension or fatigue. A good option is to turn on the radio or listen to music, as it can help keep us alert and attentive to the road.

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