Nine reasons why sex with a condom improves your (sex) life

by time news

Did you know that condoms can boost your sexuality? Because although many of us think that these rubbers are a so-called moodkiller are, the opposite is true. Condoms can take your (sex) life to the next level and here’s why.

Nine reasons why condoms improve your (sex) life

1. You can stop using (hormonal) contraception

      Would you like a natural cycle without hormones? Because a condom offers both protection against STIs and unwanted pregnancies, you can possibly stop using the pill, an IUD or another form of contraception. For example, stopping the pill has many advantages. Of course there are also disadvantages, but whether the pluses outweigh the minuses is different for everyone.

      2. Condoms can boost your sexuality

      Using condoms can boost your sexuality in several ways. This way you no longer have to worry about contracting or transmitting an STI or becoming pregnant during the act. This way you can completely let go and enjoy the moment. Are you on hormonal contraception? You can use hormonal birth control sexdrive adversely affect. So it may be that when you stop, all of a sudden butterflies start fluttering in your stomach. Yes!

      3. Condoms can make sex last longer

      Let’s be clear, long sex does not equal better sex and penetration is not the only form of sex. But condoms can ensure that you can go longer without reaching an orgasm. This gives you more time to spoil each other extensively.

      4. Condoms reduce the risk of infections

      Have you ever had a vaginal infection? Then you know better than anyone that this is no fun. Research shows that penetrative sex with a condom can reduce the risk of such an itchy infection. Sperm can mess up the hP value of the vagina.

      5. Everything stays clean

      Shout out to condoms, because thanks to these rubbers you never have to run to the toilet with your pelvis tense. This way everything is clean in no time and you no longer have to worry about an unpleasant surprise while sneezing. Need we say more?

      6. You can easily switch from vaginal to anal

      Yes! Thanks to a condom, you never have to wash a penis again between switching from vaginal to anal, but beware: you ALWAYS have to get a new rubber. The bacteria in the anus can cause a lot of damage to the urinary tract and vagina.

      7. It offers a moment of reflection

      The use of a condom is often seen as a moodkiller, while it offers a moment to check with yourself what you want. Sex is a wide range with endless experiences and penetration sex is not necessarily the end goal. Also use the moment to check each other’s consent.

      8. Condoms protect against STIs

      Let’s be honest, no one is waiting for an STI and let a condom be the only means that protects you against sexually transmitted diseases. Unless you and your bed partner have been tested and communicate openly about safe sex, a condom is always a good idea the way to go.

      9. Your bed partner can also take responsibility for once

      If you have side effects from hormonal contraception, you don’t have to take this for granted because your bed partner doesn’t like a condom. If two people have sex, both parties are responsible. There are condoms in all sizes and shapes, so there are enough rubbers with the perfect fit for safe sex.

      Are you convinced and are you going to use a condom? Just make sure you don’t make these mistakes.

      Bron: Healthline

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