Nintendo Switch: Or the Lite – models and accessories that are worthwhile

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Which Nintendo Switch is worth it – and which accessories?

Console update: Nintendo brings new Switch features

Source: pa/dpa/Andrea Warnecke

The Nintendo Switch enables console gaming at home and on the go – and by no means exclusively with titles from the Nintendo universe. Console fans have two basic options to choose from.

Ssuper Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong and other legendary games: without Nintendo, the console world would simply be unthinkable. Most people over thirty remember the old NES, the Super Nintendo and the very first Game Boy all too well. Still, Nintendo didn’t get stuck in nostalgia gaming and kept releasing new consoles. With the Nintendo Switch, the traditional Japanese company has been offering a hybrid game console since 2017.

Nintendo Switch: Mobile and stationary usable

The Nintendo Switch can be used both as a stationary game console and as a portable device with a touchscreen. This means that both gaming fun at home and mobile gaming on the go are possible – somewhere between a console brought into the new millennium and a Gameboy. Of course, multiplayer gaming is also an essential part of this: up to eight controllers can be connected at the same time.

Nintendo Switch Lite vs. Nintendo Switch

If you want to save money and can do without stationary use, you should take a look at the Nintendo Switch Lite*. It’s significantly smaller than the regular Switch (which has a 6.2-inch screen) with its 5.5-inch LCD screen. The resolution of both devices is 1270×720 pixels. In terms of weight, the Lite model differs slightly at around 275 grams from its big brother, which weighs 297 grams or 398 grams with the Joy-Con controllers.

Both consoles feature an NVIDIA Custom Tegra processor. The battery life of the Switch Lite is between three and seven hours, depending on the game. With the regular switch, it is four and a half to nine hours for newer models* (from mid-2019), and between two and a half and six and a half hours for older models, depending on the game. Both models are available in various colors or special editions (such as a Pokemon edition).

Nintendo Switch: Which model is worth it?

If you don’t want to do without gaming on your home TV in addition to mobile gaming enjoyment, you can’t avoid the regular Switch model. The Nintendo Switch Lite is cheaper. However, only games that support handheld mode can be played on it. If you are considering both a Switch Lite and certain games, you should find out before playing whether the desired titles actually support handheld mode.

Nintendo Switch Pro: And new editions

Rumors of a Nintendo Switch Pro that is supposed to be more powerful and could even support 4K resolution have been circulating for a long time. The hope for such a console, which would like to declare war on the powerful competition Sony and Microsoft, is still in vain, at least in 2020. Nintendo said in a statement that it does not want to release a new Switch model in 2020. The group plans to continue to publish new editions of the switch – such as the special edition for Animal Crossing: New Horizons. It remains to be seen whether a new model will appear in 2021.

Pro Controller Nintendo Switch: For passionate gamers

Even if the Nintendo Switch Pro is not (yet) coming – at least game controllers with the Pro label* already exist. So if you want more realistic controls and a controller that still feels comfortable in your hand even after hours of gaming, you can use the official Pro Controller. The same applies here: Up to eight controllers can be connected (wirelessly) to the switch – they are charged via USB cable.

Alternatively, various third-party models are also available.

Nintendo Switch memory card, case & Co.: The right accessories

If you want to operate your switch on several televisions in TV mode without constantly running back and forth with the cables and the device, you should survive the purchase of a second docking station. Here you have the choice between the original model of the manufacturer and several third-party providers.

Purchasing a bag is also worthwhile – after all, the console should be optimally protected on the go. Here, too, the selection of providers and different models is large. Of course, it is important that the bag not only offers space for the console itself, but also for charging cables and memory cards.

Speaking of memory cards: To expand the memory of the Nintendo Switch, you can use the SanDisk* micro SD card officially licensed by Nintendo. This comes in bright yellow with a Super Mario star – and is up to 256 gigabytes in size.

However, other cards can also be used. It is recommended to buy a Micro SD card with high transfer speed to have the best possible gaming experience.

If you have lost your original Nintendo power supply, you don’t have to despair either – there are also plenty of products from third-party manufacturers.

By the way: The Nintendo Switch is currently an extremely popular device – and sold out in many places.

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This article was first published on May 20th, 2020.

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