Niv Raskin breaks the rules: “Asi and Rotem are two brazen, scumbags”

by time news

The funny relationship in Ninja Israel between the pair of presenters Assi Ezer and Rotem Sela, and the commentators Niv Raskin, Jordan Jarbi and Yuval Shamla manages to bring quite a few entertaining moments to the world. Last night (Monday) the strongest competitors returned to the track, and from there a particularly strange conversation took place.

Raskin, who is only 47 years old, was not really laughing: “Two brazen ones. What have they grown on me? They are my age, these scumbags. Enough already, Assi Ezer, June 10, 1979. 43 years old.” Rotem explained: “Asi is 43 years old and I am 34 years old, we are opposite in numbers.” Ezer replied: “Come on: 1, you burned me. 2, you’re lying.”

In case you were wondering, the age difference between Raskin and Assi Ezer is only four years, and between Raskin and Rotem is eight years, so of course such a comment is incorrect, but his reaction was especially funny.

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