No access to the lecture hall – first university locks out unvaccinated students! – Domestic policy

by time news

In many universities, unvaccinated students are only allowed to attend lectures with a negative test.

Now BILD learned: The Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg will be introducing the 2G rule from Monday – and will no longer allow unvaccinated students into the lecture halls.

The university confirmed this on request from BILD. University staff reported to BILD of complaints from the student body.

The one-week transition phase from 3G to 2G begins on Monday: Then only vaccinated or recovered students should be allowed to take part in courses. The so-called “hybrid teaching” is intended for the unvaccinated.

▶ ︎ Means: You have to follow the lectures and seminars via recording or transmission. The university is planning intensive checks on vaccination and recovery records.

For unvaccinated students, the exclusion from the face-to-face events means a drastic cut in their everyday university life: They are only allowed to visit the library and study rooms and take exams.

In response to a BILD request, the Bavarian Ministry of Science said on Friday evening that the introduction of the 2G rule on the basis of the Infection Protection Measures Ordinance was possible. The prerequisite is that universities offer unvaccinated students “a continuous digital range of courses” and continue to allow them to participate in events where attendance is absolutely necessary (e.g. exams).


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