“No, but we are dreaming!” : Macron criticized on the left after his declaration on the “end of abundance”

by time news

After three weeks of vacation, Emmanuel Macron set the course at the start of the Council of Ministers back to school, in an exceptionally broadcast speech live this Wednesday. Citing the effects of the war in Ukraine, which began six months ago to the day, and the climate crisis, he highlighted “the end of abundance”, whether it be “cash”, “products of technology”, raw materials or water. Added to this are “the end of evidence”, like that of democracy, and “the end of recklessness”.

The declarations of the head of state were freshly welcomed on the left and by the secretary general of the CGT Philippe Martinez. “It’s very inappropriate. When we talk about the end of abundance, I think of the millions of unemployed, the millions of precarious people (…) who must say to themselves: but where does he live? “Reacted the latter on BFMTV, speaking of” quirky message “.

“No, but we are dreaming! As if the French had run out of worries and had stuffed themselves too much”, was indignant the secretary general of the PCF Fabien Roussel on Twitter, accusing “the carelessness of President Macron and the predation of the rich”.

“When you are in a country where there are nine million poor people (…), to hear such a thing is incredible. He does not realize how hurtful it can be for people, ”added the rebellious leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon in Châteauneuf-sur-Isère, where the LFI summer days are held from Thursday. “There has never been abundance Mr. Macron, there has always been irresponsibility. »

“His Very Rich Friends”

Adrien Quatennens, deputy Nupes-La France insoumise du Nord- for his part urged the Head of State to “talk about the end of abundance to his very wealthy friends, whom his policy serves abundantly”. “While the real incomes of the great mass of French people are falling, a few are gorging themselves,” he added. According to the quarterly report of Janus Henderson, published this Wednesday, the distribution of dividends reached a record level in France and in the world in the second quarter, not lacking in underline the MP LFI.

“It should above all be the end of denial, the end of inaction and also the end of a form of powerlessness in the face of lobbies”, reacted the ex-candidate environmentalist Yannick Jadot on Twitter.

Maud Bregeon, MP for Hauts-de-Seine and spokesperson for the Renaissance group in the National Assembly, responded to criticism this Wednesday evening on BFMTV. “The President of the Republic never said that the French consumed with abundance, this is not the meaning of his words”, she assured. And to develop: “We are emerging from a period where energy, electricity, gas, raw materials, water, will no longer be as abundant as what we have known. (…) Faced with this, we must act. »

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