“No comment” circles of Nikos Pappas say after Tsipras mea culpa on TV licenses

by time news

Wide comment field opened the “mea culpa” of former Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras for Novartis and the TV licenses, with Pavlos Polakis proceeding with severe criticism, saying “wrong Comrade Alexis”, Nikos Pappas, however, took a different line.

Pappa’s associates say that there is no comment from the former minister on what Mr. Tsipras said.

Taking a clear distance from the then minister, Nikos Pappa, the former President of SYRIZA PS argued that “I have no choice but to admit that in the case of Novartis and in the case of the licensing of television licenses, the management we did was unfortunate”, in order to adds that “our intention was to create a favorable framework in the broadcasting landscape and we ended up with the same and worse”. In the same context, the Novartis case created enemies, “at a time when we were looking for allies”, emphasized Mr. Tsipras, acknowledging that “there were mistakes in our handling”.

The Polakis attack

“Wrong comrade Alexis Tsipras! It was unfortunate that you did not come to the conference to say these things, but you went to the conference of Kathimerini” replied Pavlos Polakis.

“Unfortunate was the delusion of a large part of the SYRIZA leadership that “Justice would do its job”. The Justice that filed with “unspecified amounts” Georgiadis and Avramopoulos, that issued a will to acquit Loverdos despite the CRUSHING evidence, the Justice that did not put Lignadis in prison, the Justice that is still “spinning” about Predator and Tempi, the Justice that condemned Nikos Pappa because he forced the channel owners to pay!! (I can say more but not now)” Pavlos Polakis adds to his post and continues:

“Unfortunate was not the competition for the channels of Nikos Pappa and Lefteris Kretsos, but the political choice after the decision of the STE that rejected the competition to NOT RE-REFORM by changing the rules of the Parliament, changing the composition of the body of the presidents of the Parliament and choosing a new ESR who would do the SAME CONTEST!!
This is how we would prove that we would go all the way to the END as we did with the contractors in the hospitals that the STE threw the first law at us, but we re-legislated and EXECUTED the contractors in 77 hospitals, winning in the European court as well!!” concludes Pavlos Polakis.

His post with attached photos of the two protothema.gr publications about Alexis Tsipras’ speech:

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