No corona vaccinations in the Baken for the time being

by time news

It is no longer possible to get a corona vaccination in the Baken in Pijnacker for the time being. Last Wednesday was the last time. In order to resist the corona wave that is expected this autumn, GGD Haaglanden will start a new major vaccination round at four locations in our region from 19 September.

The GGD has been instructed by the minister to administer 700,000 injections per week nationwide. For the Haaglanden region, this is 25,000 to 35,000 injections per week. To ensure that this vaccination campaign runs as efficiently and quickly as possible, GGD Haaglanden is interrupting vaccination at the temporary small vaccination locations in the region. Shots are only taken at the following four locations: Delft, Zoetermeer, ‘s-Gravenzande and The Hague. This repeat shot is given with a new vaccine. This vaccine offers an even better effect against the different variants of the coronavirus.

By appointment

From 13 September, the first residents will receive an invitation by letter from the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). After receiving this letter, you can make an appointment online or by telephone for the repeat injection. RIVM starts by inviting people with an increased risk of serious illness. This is the group that was invited for a repeat shot earlier this year. Residents under the age of 60, who receive an annual invitation for the flu shot, are also allowed to get a repeat shot. They receive an invitation from their GP to get their injection. Healthcare workers with patient contact are simultaneously invited for a repeat injection to protect the high-risk groups.

More information

GGD Haaglanden considers it important to give all its residents the opportunity to take a vaccination. After the start of this major campaign, it will therefore carefully consider where and when vaccination can be resumed at small, low-threshold locations in the region. For more information about the repeat vaccination and the latest news about the new campaign, visit

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