“No fear for English fans in Rome”

by time news

Delta variant and fears for the invasion of English fans in Rome for the Ukraine-England match of the Europeans to be played in Rome on 3 July: Matteo Bassetti, head of infectious diseases at the San Martino hospital in Genoa, spoke at ‘L’ Italy woke up, on Radio Cusano Campus, he explained that “today we have a very clear protocol for those who come and go from England. I don’t see why we should worry. Or we decide that the British no longer have to come to Italy with that which follows from an economic point of view, or a football match is a football match. The traveling European was a good sign of a return to normality, albeit controlled. It is one of the few right things done by the European institutions in these months”. “We know that the Delta variant in August will also predominate in Italy,” added Bassetti.

“It seems to me that Italy cannot do without Covid, especially the press – he observed – The feeling is that we do not want to give up a bone that is very flourishing. The other countries look ahead, if we look at the international newspapers, the Covid news is no longer on the front page. Instead of showing the Delta variant as the best vaccine promotion, we managed to make it the best promotion to go back to the past. In this there is a great responsibility of the media “. “Two doses perfectly protect against this variant – underlined Bassetti – In England we see an increase in infections among young people, but not an increase in hospitalizations and deaths, this is because vaccines work”.

As for the use of masks, “indoors can help against variants, we have never removed them for example at the supermarket, pharmacy or on the bus, and that’s right. We have to keep them at this stage. But the best way to stop pandemic and variants is vaccinating. Otherwise using only the ‘old’ measures from last year to stop the Delta variant is like fighting a war with clubs and stones. Today we have vaccines that are ‘missiles’ when compared to the measures of the last year, “Bassetti told Adnkronos Salute, commenting on the Los Angeles County decision that asked residents to re-wear masks indoors, in public places, even if vaccinated.

“Yesterday the data from Moderna came out that told us how the coverage of that vaccine reaches 90% against the Delta variant. The message at this stage is yes to the mask indoors also for the vaccinated – concluded Bassetti – and the Americans on this point they are going back, but we need to rush with vaccinations “.

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