No funds until demands are met

by time news

2023-11-23 11:49:27


Written by Bettina Nemes

The EU Commission can only make funds available to Hungary once the Hungarian government has met all requirements. Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders said this at the EP plenary session in Strasbourg.

Hungary has already done a lot, but some questions still remain unanswered. The independence of the judiciary, inadequacies in the rights of sexual minorities, the law on the protection of children and the legislation guaranteeing academic freedom are not sufficient. The Commission has until December 15 to assess whether Hungary has partially or completely solved the problems and could then possibly lift the restrictions, Reynders emphasized.

Anti-Hungarian soap opera

Tamás Deutsch, head of the Fidesz delegation to the European Parliament (EP), said the EP was “obsessed with supporting the Hungarian ‘dollar left’ with political attacks. A dirty power game is being played by attacking Hungary’s sovereignty while these people bluster about the rule of law. However, we will not dance to Brussels’ tune.”

Kinga Gál, leader of the Fidesz group in the EP, said that the debate was another episode of the anti-Hungarian soap opera, which was discrediting and contained no facts or truth. This is political blackmail to bring Hungary to its knees because it supports peace, is against illegal migration and protects children from gender ideology.

“Nothing has changed in Hungary, Hungary does not want to comply with the demands of the EU Commission. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán cannot and does not want to change because that would lead to the loss of his power,” explained Sándor Rónai, MEP from the DK. Márton Gyöngyösi, Jobbik MEP, illustrated what he believes is the state of the rule of law in Hungary, where government has been governed by decree for years. As examples, he cited the dismissal of the director of the National Museum, a lecturer at a Budapest Corvinus University and a department head at the Central Statistical Office. These cases show that the government is not abiding by the laws it created, and certainly not by the Constitution.

#funds #demands #met

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