No impunity | Tijuana News

by time news

Undoubtedly, the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) takes a blow for the rapid integration of the investigation folder of the “megafraud” against hundreds of young high school students, as well as the prosecution of the case, the request for arrest warrants and especially the capture of four defendants. It should be remembered that some 400 young people in Mexicali and 600 in Tijuana enrolled in the ACIT school, at its facilities in both cities, to attend their baccalaureate, for which they paid their registration and fees.

Unfortunately, the students were unaware that the cruel and shameless directors of that “duckling” school did not have the official recognition of the educational authorities, so for months and months they wasted their time because the studies are invalid.

The discontent was so great that the FGE, headed by prosecutor Ricardo Iván Carpio Sánchez, acted efficiently to follow up on the investigation file and capture four fraudsters, one even in Hermosillo, Sonora, who are now safe.

This shows that when things are done well and there is no impunity, citizen trust is restored, although now the FGE must present good and solid evidence during the criminal proceedings against the evil fraudsters.

By the way, it also shows that it is not necessary to modify or mess with the State Penal Code to invent new crimes, as proposed by the Morenista deputy, Rocío

Adame Muñoz, who barely found out about the fraud committed by ACIT, had the idea of ​​proposing to criminalize the crime of “Illegal Teaching of Education” with a prison sentence of 5 to 10 years, practiced by the owners of institutions “that offer education without permission or official recognition of the legitimacy of learning”.

The performance of the FGE in the case of fraud by ACIT and two other institutions shows that it is not necessary to tamper with the State Penal Code created in 1989, but simply to apply the law so that crimes do not go unpunished.


The letter from President Andrés Manuel López

Obrador sent to the Chinese leader Xi Jinping to accuse the United States for its “rude threats” to invade Mexico, quickly received a response from the Asian country, where they flatly “hit” the tenant of the National Palace.

Just on Wednesday, the Mexican president showed a letter that he sent to Xi Jinping where he asked him to control the shipment of fentanyl from China to Mexico, when yesterday Mao Ning, spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, simply replied: “There is no illegal trafficking of fentanyl between China and Mexico.

In this simple way, the Asian giant gave its answer, although it took advantage of that to file a lawsuit with the gringos, pointing out that “the abuse of fentanyl in the United States has worsened even more and has caused more deaths. The root cause of the overdose lies in the United States itself.”

Of course, this “warmed up” the gringos, who through the State Department accuse that the chemical precursors to illegally manufacture fentanyl originate from China.

For the moment, President López Obrador managed to generate a lawsuit between the two powers over the serious problem of illegal fentanyl, something that the White House has surely taken note of.

In addition, they have surely also taken note of the virtual summit led by López Obrador and the face-to-face one, to be held on May 6 and 7 in Cancun, to supposedly seek a solution to inflation with Latin American and Caribbean leaders, including the Venezuelan leader, Nicolas Maduro; the Cuban leader, Miguel Díaz-Canel; the Chilean, Gabriel Boris; the Brazilian, Luiz Inácio Lula de Silva, as well as those from Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Colombia, Honduras, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

It seems that without a doubt the Mexican wants to continue pulling the tiger’s whiskers, to see until what time he throws his claws.

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