No longer a powerhouse: Vladimir Putin has degraded Russia to the lowest level Interpretation

by time news

Defining Putin’s decision to annex three regions in Ukraine as a statement renewing the Cold War is a stupid definition that flatters Putin. In his confrontational, defiant statement full of condemnations and insults against the West and the free world, Putin dismantled, tattooed and destroyed Russia’s position as a power. He took his country out of its old affiliation to the category of superpowers, uprooted his country from the presence of central, influential countries whose voice was counted.

He degraded Russia to a humiliating state and did so irreversibly as long as he served as president of his country. This is an assessment that came up and was heard in every conversation, response and reference of ambassadors, senior diplomats at the UN center in New York. According to them, the appropriate definition for Putin’s annexation decision is political suicide.

In a closed briefing held yesterday (Saturday) by the deputy head of a Western delegation, he said, “I don’t remember in modern history a head of state who worked so hard, took pains and invested efforts just to undermine the status of his country, humiliate it and distance it from the ability to have any influence.” The diplomat added, “I am not sure that countries identified as belonging to the Third World will accept Russia as a partner.”

The well-known and respected columnist Thomas Friedman defined Putin’s annexation course in his column yesterday, “Putin created and positioned his nation as a large North Korea.” Friedman writes, “Vladimir Putin has turned Russia into a paranoid, angry, lonely and isolated country. The example of Russia and its comparison to North Korea will be wide and span 11 different time zones from the Arctic to the Black Sea, from the tip of free Europe to the tip of Alaska and with thousands of nuclear warheads .

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“Vladimir Putin’s North Korea will not only be a geopolitical threat but a human tragedy of enormous proportions.” In the conversations, diplomats, some of whom served in Moscow who are known as experts on Russia, express question and bewilderment as to how it is that among senior officials in the Kremlin there is not a single voice of reservation, not a single statement of dissatisfaction, not a single expression of concern about Putin’s conduct, which infuriates the free world against him and against Russia.

“It is amazing that not a single general, senior military man in the Russian army is known to resign as a sign of protest against the decisions that Putin imposes on the army and which have caused discrimination and insults,” said a senior Western diplomat in New York in an unattributed conversation with journalists. In conversations with ambassadors and diplomats at the UN center in New York, the threat of the use of nuclear weapons is mentioned as expected, which the Russian president does not speak about explicitly, but certainly represents.

Diplomats find it difficult to assess the reality of the threat. It is widely believed that Putin would not dare to order the use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine. It is estimated that Putin prefers that such a threat remains contained and in the possession of a threat. On the other hand, according to diplomats specializing in Russia, the huge loss expected for Russia from the course of annexations is in the economic field, in the field of gas and oil supply, Russia’s only significant source of income.

The European countries that have until now been customers of gas and oil from Russia are preparing and preparing for a difficult winter following interruptions and delays in supply that are expected as revenge moves on Putin’s part. According to expert diplomats, the countries of Europe are also preparing and preparing to secure alternative sources for gas and oil, sources that for two to three years will make the sources in Russia unnecessary and worthless.

According to diplomats, the only customer for gas and oil from Russia will be and will remain China. But China will take advantage of such a situation as an exclusive customer to squeeze cheap and convenient payment terms from Russia. The UN did not come out clean and clear of Putin’s decision to annex three districts in Ukraine. UN Secretary General Antony Guterres issued a strong and harsh statement condemning Putin’s annexation decision. .

Guterres denounced Russia and defined the annexation decision as a blatant violation of international law. The one that came out and was exposed again in all its weakness is the Security Council, the only body in the world organization that does not have the authority to enforce its decisions with military force. The great absurdity is that the initiative for the decision to condemn Russia for the annexation that was discussed on Friday in the Security Council fell due to Russia’s veto. That is, the criminal escaped punishment because he voted against the punishment.

As you know, Russia is one of the five permanent members of the Security Council that has the right of veto. An emergency conference of the UN plenum is expected to discuss the annexation decision. The plenum will almost certainly vote and approve by a majority of votes a resolution of condemnation against Russia. This decision, if approved, is the last thing expected and capable of curbing Vladimir Putin’s suicidal tendencies.

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