No more tomatoes in the fridge. Here’s how to store them

by time news

2023-09-03 07:19:19 – The debate on the correct preservation of food never goes out of fashion and the one on how to preserve tomatoes has had its own appendix with a scientific pronouncement according to which “tomatoes should not be put in the refrigerator, otherwise they will lose their taste”.

The “judgment” is contained in a video from Focus Italia magazine in which Greta Bertarini, a science, chemist and cosmetologist, who offers chemical pills on everyday products on her social profile with over 20,000 followers: “The degradation that causes the cold on certain volatile molecules is irreversible. It is only partially recovered”, says the expert.

At the heart of the whole question is the taste of the tomato, “given by the union of the flavor perceived by the taste buds and the smell perceived by the nose”, writes the Gambero Rosso magazine in giving the news, and it is one of those “unmistakable tastes, childhood memories, of light summer lunches and bruschetta shared in a restaurant with friends”.

In short, “take everything away from us, but not the tomato”. But this characteristic flavor ends up disappearing a little with the cold. And this because the tomato “is a mix of sugar and acids, plus many volatile components: the production of the latter is slowed down by the cold, which also ruins the aromas, because it inhibits the enzymes that transform the polyunsaturated acids into odorous molecules”, explains Gambero, according to whom “the correct way, according to chemistry, is to keep them at room temperaturebut being careful not to place them near fruit that produces ethylene (bananas, apricots, kiwis, peaches…) to avoid premature ripening of the tomatoes”.

However, the diehards of conservation in the fridge say that to restore the tomato to its original flavour, “just take it out about fifteen minutes before”… But science and chemistry disagree.

#tomatoes #fridge #Heres #store

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