“No player came to Maccabi contrary to the coach’s opinion”

by time news

About two weeks after he was called up to replace Yannis Sapropoulos on the lines at Maccabi Tel Aviv, Avi Even arrived at the Fivesome studio tonight (Thursday), with Shai Hauzman, Ofer Shelach and Gur Shelef, and was asked about the coach’s role, the style of play he believes in, the solutions and his scouting department.

In the summer of 2022, the decision-makers come to you, Avi Even Shalom tells you, you have two proposals and you can decide: Are you the head coach of Maccabi Tel Aviv for next season or the head of the scouting department for next season?
“I’ll tell you the truth, I really, really like what I do, I really, really like it. I feel blessed that I have the right to be on the court and that I have the right to be around basketball. And right now I really enjoy what I do, “This is a very, very difficult challenge. I am currently where I am with a very, very big commitment to succeed. We will see where the water will lead.”

When you look at Maccabi Tel Aviv as a basketball team, what is the most important thing to improve now? Hint, on the defensive side, you see that you absorbed more than 100 points per game in the two games you coach.
“Well, you touched on a point. I think it’s very clear that our pick and roll defense is not good right now, and as a result our rotation is not good enough and we get threes improperly. That’s the first thing I want to focus on. In our view our defense is very very “Open and requires too many rotations, we need to work a little more point-by-point in pick-and-roll, be more aggressive on the act itself and try to involve as few people as possible. I guess from that we will grow into good things.”

Could this team be a more offensive team?
“First of all, in the last game we scored 94 points with 29% to 3. This means that if we are a little more focused defensively and a little more focused offensively, it’s a game of 100 points. I will not lie, I do not know who remembers but I started at Maccabi T.” A. as Zvika’s assistant, and then Pini, David and Goodes and one of the things I grew up on as an assistant coach is let’s get to another point. So I’m not saying that’s the story, but I do think my orientation is more offensive. In the same breath, I say that if our defense does not improve, it has no meaning. “

Without you saying it, the small or non-small things you have changed so far are kind of also a legitimate critique of what was before that. Now at the micro level, how do you run more and how do you produce less dribble?
“I would not take it to a place of criticism but a different style. I think it can be done differently, everyone and his way. There are people that it’s okay, everyone has their own way. I personally believe this team should run, it should be some sort of “An anchor of this team because this team has the ability to score points. How do you do that? Through a lot of work in training.”

For Yannis, when they tried to run, whoever took a rebound or got a first pass ran with the ball, what do you believe in that regard?
“We played in the last games with three guards. I believe in guards who can produce and push a ball and when there are three I believe you can push forward very hard, I believe in pushing in delivery. I do not think you have to bounce too much to score, if we have 40% career players, We have to produce shots for them in the transition because I believe these are the best shots. “

What will you do with Wilbkin and the dribbles? See that it’s something you want less.
“Playing more end-ups, there’s a lot of movement without a ball, this way he gets his situations in a way that he less has to produce the spice for shooting himself.”

Derrick Williams, who looks low on confidence at the moment, what will be done to get him back on track?
“For Maccabi Tel Aviv to succeed, we need not only Derrick Williams in top form. We need to find the way, this is a complex season and everyone must be at least in minimum fitness. His ability to score in isolation is very high and we need to find a way to play on his strength. It was less sharp, but we need him well and we will do everything as a team to bring him to places he can reach. “

Is Maccabi Tel Aviv worth a place in the Euroleague playoffs and if so, why not in the last six years? Is it realistic to expect the playoffs?
“For Maccabi to reach the playoffs, there must be synergy so that this connection must yield more than the sum of the parts. The team must be at its best, we finished in 9th place several times and maybe it also needs luck because the Euroleague is a difficult place, but for that to happen it must be in a good place as a team. Good basketball. “

Does the Scouting Department justify itself? Are you good at your job?
“I’m not here to give myself grades, it’s not my job. But I think we did some important and good things. A player like Elijah Bryant who played in Eilat and came here is important to the scouting department. I think our failure in some cases is one of the important things that happened. “For our department, because out of that we grow and improve. For example, a player like Fabrani we took a risk on his recovery ability, this is something we need to learn from.”

“In the last five years there has not been a player who came to Maccabi Tel Aviv, and I say this with full responsibility, that the coach did not want. The scouting department works all year. Tests, analyzes and interviews and at the end of the day I want it and it is legitimate and part of a healthy Messiah. “

Maccabi Tel Aviv brings in highs from the Euroleague or the NBA, but guards include coordinators who are in the most important position in basketball, they bring in European or Israeli leagues and do not hold them for more than a year, is that a recommendation of the scouting department?
“Eventually you get to the point where the coach has to decide. For the last five years, the story of building players is the work of a team. In the end you don’t land a player coach, it’s a baseless statement. Regarding the question, European coordinators are a very, very expensive commodity.”

Somehow, always trying to steal in the guard position and in the high investors more money – is this a policy?
This does not happen out of policy. There were a lot of guards we wanted, but first of all adapting to a Scottish Guard is not easy. Nate Walters I think worked with him great and so did Chris Jones. Why did he not stay? we decided. In the end, we work in a certain way, some people like it and some do not, in the end a decision is made. “

You are the head of the scouting team, but today you are the coach of the team and you know that teams are already working on next year in this period. Who among you does the scouting work?
“There is Yair Shevach who has been working with me since ancient times, in my opinion one of the better scouts and professionals and together with Nicola and I there, I am constantly there in conversation.”

Do you manage to understand the Maccabi crowd, including basketball people, who do not understand why the team has not been successful for many years and leaves the professional manager, and there is a lack of experience in a professional team. What happens in decision making? You seem to have given up.
“I have to disagree. Regarding the ‘give up on the season’ statement, anyone who knows me is light years away from the road. I know a lot of people have raised an eyebrow and I’m not here to justify being here. I know the management have made a decision amid all this storm that has taken place. At Maccabi Tel Aviv, take someone who knows the players and the problems that exist in the locker room, and not bring a foreign coach to all this dynamic. “

“I am not a coach with experience, I do not argue. But the story of knowing the system from the inside How significant is it in these situations? I think very. It is true that I did not coach the Euroleague or a senior team, but I am 16 years at Maccabi Tel Aviv and had the privilege “

You could say no
“I did not want to say no, do not know anyone in my place who would say no. Maybe, do not know, this is my way of life. I believe that good things can be done with this team. There is another long season, there are guys super quality players at their personality level And this is a recipe that is super important to me for the success of the team. “

But at the end of the transfer deadline you still wanted to make changes that did not work out for you at the last second.
“It has nothing to do, I talked about the team as a team. There is human material that can succeed that I lack in my eyes another commitment to the situation, but no one at the club has raised a white flag, really not.”

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