“No supplement is equal to it” .. In the video .. Al-Shehri reveals 5 natural sources of vitamin C

by time news

Al-Marsad newspaper: Dr. Saud Al-Shehri, the family doctor, revealed the 5 best natural sources of vitamin C from food without resorting to nutritional supplements, stressing that natural sources are not matched by any supplement.

Al-Shehri said that these natural sources are: yellow turkey pepper, noting that a pepper gives you four times your daily need, i.e. 83% of the body’s need for vitamin C, a guava grain that gives 138%, a kiwi that gives 62%, and a cup of strawberries, which gives the body 108 % of Vitamin C, and oranges provide 92 % of Vitamin C.

He explained that a woman needs 75 milligrams of vitamin C and a man needs 90 milligrams of vitamin C, stressing that no matter how hard factories try to make supplements like this natural vitamin, they will not be able to.

Al-Shehri commented on the video he posted on his Twitter account, revealing the benefits of vitamin C, which are: “Maintaining the health of your bones and teeth.. Necessary for the health of your skin with collagen.. Very important for the functioning of your immune system.. Wonderful in protecting your organs from oxidation (destruction). Important for iron absorption.. Important in the growth and repair of your body.. Really helpful in increasing the male hormone.

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