No tender: Yvette is renovating for hundreds of thousands of shekels

by time news
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Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman is currently renovating his office in the Ministry of Finance, and according to the report this evening (Sunday) on Channel 14, the value of the renovation is estimated at half a million shekels.

According to Moti Castel’s report, furniture worth about half a million shekels was ordered for Lieberman’s office, the renovation, according to the report, was approved without a tender, by the Exemption Committee at the Ministry of Finance.

In the minutes it is recorded that this is a renovation intended for a period of two years ahead and the decision to approve it with an exemption from a tender is because a similar tender is supposed to enter into force in two months, and this is intended to prevent the renovations from being delayed in the new year.

The Ministry of Finance stated: “The last significant renovation of the Ministry of Finance was carried out in 2000, over 20 years ago. The renovation of the conference rooms is carried out as part of the Ministry’s annual work plan regardless of the identity of the minister who heads it, and it is expected to take place during the exchange of ministers.”

Chairman of Torah Judaism MK Moshe Gafni, in response to the new furniture bought: “People have nothing to eat because of Lieberman, and he is buying new furniture for his office, while in three months he is flying away.”

Gafni also said: “I can’t believe how detached Yvette Lieberman can be from the reality we live in, and he doesn’t care how much the citizens suffer because of him.”

As reported last night in the Shabbat Square, Finance Minister Lieberman declared himself – “I am not disqualifying myself for the Prime Ministership”, in an interview with “Meet the Press” on Channel 12.

Lieberman stated during the interview that he would not agree to sit in a rotating government under Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz, and promised: “I am committed to doing everything so that a government is formed without Bibi, without Deri and without Gafni.”

On the rise in the cost of living under his tenure as finance minister, Lieberman claimed that the one to blame is Netanyahu. Lieberman was asked that “when the index goes up, it’s a sign that prices are going up,” and he replied: “The index goes up all over the world. With us, it goes up half of what it goes up in the US and half of what it goes up in the UK.” According to him, in 2009 Israel was at the OECD average, while in 2020 Israel It is the second most expensive country in the world. “The one who signed this is Benjamin Netanyahu,” said the finance minister.

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