“No to revenge and reprisals, politics step aside” – time.news

by time news

2023-04-16 09:51:10

The Federation founded by Enpa, Lav, Leidaa, Lndc and Oipa and to which volunteers from all over Italy adhere asks to turn the page on a management that they consider bankruptcy but without killing and deporting animals

First of all, solidarity with the family of Andrea Papithe runner who died after a scuffle with a bear — or, better, a she-bear, since she has been identified as Jj4, born in 2006 by Jurek e Josetwo of the progenitors imported from Slovenia within the European project Life Ursus — and whose funeral is being celebrated today: “All our solidarity goes to her, which cannot soothe an immense pain”. But beyond the specific case of news, the Italian federation of animal rights and environment associations – which brings together about eighty associations involved in the environmental and animal rights front – reiterates the no to “revenge and reprisals against animals”, but also no to killings and deportations decided on the emotional wave of a terrible tragedy and in the overheated climate of the countryside election for the provincials”. The associations are asking the Ministry of the Environment to be able to participate in the technical comparison table established yesterday with Ispra and the Province of Trento, in order to be able to bring one’s voice in defense of animals and conservation activities.

In the viewfinder are the words of the president of the autonomous province of Trento, Maurizio Fugattiwho after the death of the young man from Caldes has returned to pointing the finger at the plantigrade reintroduction project started at the end of the 90s and which was more successful than expected, leading to the settlement of about a hundred bears in the Trentino area (the goal was to create a stable population of about 45-50 specimens in twice the time, i.e. half of the current ones). But Fugatti, according to some of his statements in recent days, would like to bring that number under control, or halve it, with targeted cullings, starting from the specimens considered more problematic, or with relocations to other regions. For the Federation, this position, defined as “big game”, is something that “smacks of revenge and retaliation, concepts inapplicable to animals, because it puts on the same level, condemning them all to death, the bear JJ4 who killed Popes and individuals who have caused less serious problems». Or that they didn’t give any at all. There are very few cases of bear attacks on humans and only one, the one involving the runner last week, was fatal.

«It is absurd to think of solving the problem of living with bears killing the animals, moreover protected by the law and by international agreements – the associations underline -. And even if you wanted to transfer about fifty of them, a demanding operation to say the least, where to transfer them? It’s too convenient to unload two decades of errors and defaults by the Province of Trento on the bears: millions have been spent to reintroduce the bear and then to manage its presence over the years and now we want to backtrack by proposing even more expensive solutions». The point is that these interventions should never be thought about hotly, driven by emotions or propaganda following a news story. But in fact it is only on these occasions that a debate, however decomposed and shouted, is addressed.

The Federation asks to focus attention on the critical issues that have not been addressed. And to turn the page, “removing the management of bears from politics to hand it back to the experts, drawing inspiration from the positive experience of the Abruzzo park and other territories abroad”. According to the associations, there is much that could be done to achieve the objective of protecting biodiversity and a peaceful relationship between wild animals and the population. Among the limitations highlighted the lack of information campaigns for the population and for tourists, billboards, limitations on access to woods where there is a greater probability of encountering bears, wildlife corridors to favor their dispersion over a wider territory. It is then recalled that «in 2018 the Province rejected a plan of the Ministry of the Environment, financed with state funds, for radio collaring and monitoring of bears in near-real time. As if to say that the only acceptable bear is the dead one».

The Federation includes the five founding members (National Animal Protection Body – ENPA, Anti-Vivisection League – LAV, Italian League for the Defense of Animals and the Environment – LEIDAA, National League for the Defense of Dogs – LNDC., International Organization for the Protection of Animals – OIPA) and the federated associations: A…mici felici and other friends, AAE Conigli, Kronos Academy, Aiutiamo Fido, Amici Animali, Amico Gatto, Amoglianimali, Anima Equina, Animal Aid Italia, Animal Equality, Animalisti Italiani, Anima Meticcia, Anita, ANPA, ARCA – Feline Colony of the Pyramid, Friendly Ark, Ark of the Valley, Asav, Arco Animal Defense Association (Ada), Pal Association, Assovegan, Balzoo, Bauckingham Palace – all out of the cages, Big Brother, Let’s walk together, Dogs and Cats for Friends, City Angels, Collective Animalist, Como Scodinzola, Compassion in World Farming (Ciwf), With Fido nel Cuore, Hearts and Paws, Let’s give ourselves the Paw, Animal DNA, Earth, Aeolus on 4 legs, Being Animals, Filippo…simply love, Frida’s Friends , Empty cages, Gaia Italia, Kittens Looking for a Home – Luigi’s friends, Friends of Pratone di Lissone, Green House, IAPL Italia, Anna’s Dogs, I Fabulous Dogs 80, Impronte Amiche, Italian Horse Protection, Le Footprints, Liberi Together, Unity is Strength, Mondo Gatto Volunteer Group, NoiAnimali, Oasi degli Animali, OITA – Save the Pets, Four-legged Shadows, Pacav – Project helps a dog live, Pandora Tortona, Podenco’s Angels Rescue, Project Islander, No Slaughterhouse Project, Pro Parco, Random Strays, Kitten Refuge, Hemada Refuge, Samu Italia, SOS Gaia, SOS Levrieri, Tartamondo, A Light Outside the Lager, Universo di Maio, Animal Voice, Golden Paws, Happy Paws. The following adhere with a pact of purpose: Hunting Abolition League, LAC, Italian Bird Protection League, LIPU, National Pro Nature Federation, Marevivo, Wwf.

April 12, 2023 (change April 12, 2023 | 16:29)

#revenge #reprisals #politics #step #time.news

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