No treats: Ben Gvir closed bakeries for terrorists in prison

by time news

The Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir ordered the closure of bakeries for the production of pita bread in the Rimon and Katzeot security prisons, which were operated by terrorists imprisoned in these prisons and supplied fresh pita bread to the terrorists.

“The minister’s policy is to deny benefits and indulgences to terrorists imprisoned in Israel, to deny them ‘benefits’ that can be withheld by law and certainly to deny them rights that for some reason only terrorists and not criminal prisoners have,” said Ben Gabir.

It was reported in the Israel Hayom newspaper that when Ben Gvir found out about the existence of the mafias he was in closed conversations. “What are these laps? We went crazy, we just went crazy,” he raged in the ears of his associates.

Upon his assumption of office, sources in contact with the terrorists imprisoned in Israel made clear their fear that the new minister would act to worsen conditions. Those around the minister claim that he intends to bring the Ketbi report to the cabinet for discussion, which contains at least 20 recommendations on how to make the living conditions of the terrorists in prison worse, as soon as possible.

What Ben Gvir did not know at the time is that in the security prisons “Ramon” and “Ktziot” there are bakeries, where the prisoners make the pitas by themselves and for themselves.

According to a source present at the discussion, this angered the minister. “What is this, the neighborhood of hope in prison?” he said angrily, in a conversation whose details have not been denied. “It is not possible for despicable terrorists to have such a privilege, even more so than any other citizen. How can it be that murderers with blood on their hands are slapped every day, what is this absurdity?”

Following the discovery, Ben Gvir spoke with the Shevast Police Commissioner, Rabbi Gondar Kati Perry, and ordered the bakeries to be closed immediately. First, the bakery in Nafcha Prison was closed, and recently the one in Katziot Prison was also closed.

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