NÖAAB – Safety, family and performance: balance of the work for NÖ Tour

by time news

Christiane Teschl-Hofmeister and Gerhard Karner bring to the fore some topics that concern their compatriots.


NAfter the “Working for Lower Austria Tour” through the entire state, ÖAAB state chairwoman Christiane Teschl-Hofmeister and Interior Minister Gerhard Karner (both ÖVP) know which issues are important to their compatriots.

The “Working for Lower Austria Tour” of the Lower Austrian Employees’ Association (NÖAAB) has stopped in all regions of the country in the past few weeks. NÖAAB state chairwoman Christiane Teschl-Hofmeister summed up together with Interior Minister Gerhard Karner: “The topics of performance, family and security are particularly important to people.”

When it comes to work and performance, the federal government is already leaving more net than gross, says Teschl-Hofmeister. However, further steps are still needed, in particular the expansion of tax-privileged overtime. In addition, families, “the foundation of our society,” must continue to be supported. Austria has the highest family benefits within the EU.

“International crime can only be fought internationally. In the case of illegal migration, only consistent work and not isolation can help. Through cooperation with our neighboring countries, illegal migration at the eastern border was reduced by 97 percent,” emphasizes Interior Minister Gerhard Karner on the subject of security and migration. In addition, 10,000 applications for the Federal Police in 2024 would show that the recruitment offensive that has been launched is having an effect.

2024-09-28 05:15:00

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