Noam Harel in a new single: “Scream”

by time news

The introverted singer and creator in a new single that is all scream: “Scream” – the new single written and composed by Noam Harel, a musician, singer and creator together with his wife comes to describe dealing with the understanding of a mistake and our possibilities as humans how to deal with it, sink or strengthen and build from it

Noam Harel Photo: PR

Noam Harel, a musician, singer and creator with an amazing life story that begins as a shy and introverted child to a warrior father who fought in Israel’s wars and is a soulful artist whose works are still sold throughout Germany, even after his death. and is responsible, among other things, for the design of Karkur’s symbol. As a child he studied acting and dancing and from the age of thirteen he already started playing and performing in front of an audience mainly in the rock and progressive scenes. With the playing and the performances the shyness became self-confidence and as a teenager he was part of different bands.

Over time he became interested in other musical worlds such as Indian music and Japanese music. During those searches, in the ways of providence he met Deborah who would later become his wife and together they would go through a process of repentance. But even before that, the two formed a musical group consisting of bouzouki percussion, to which they added Deborah’s best friend, Esther Rada. Together, the three appeared as a trio at various prestigious festivals. But in the midst of success, Noam and Deborah get married and move closer to the bosom of Judaism, abandoning the success that had begun to shine and repent.

Since then, Noam began working on new religious materials and three years ago everything stopped and life took a turn when Noam returned from work one day and was severely run over by a car, losing consciousness. After that, he was required to undergo a long and Sisyphean rehabilitation process which included three surgeries, nine months in which He was hospitalized at Beit Levinstein, at the height of his life he was completely nursing. After a long time and together with a lot of faith and poetry, he began to write and compose a new project for which he is a kind of thanksgiving, with the idea behind the music in the songs operating on two levels. One – self-fulfillment and the realization of his part in the world. The other – connection. Connecting the different ends of the nation through music.

“Shout” – the new single he wrote and composed together with his wife comes to describe dealing with the understanding of a mistake and our possibilities as humans on how to deal with it, sink or strengthen and build from it.

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