Noemi blew out 42 candles and is fitter than ever

by time news

Big celebrations for Naomi which, just yesterday, he turned off 42 candles. For some time now, the singer has been living a particularly propitious period both from the point of view artistic That personal. In recent years, she has faced a physical change radical that led her to feel better about herself from every point of view. At more than 40 years old we definitely see her in form e toned.

In fact, Noemi started a project in 2017 path Of diet e di training to give a positive turn to his life. For self-care, she relied on gods professionals and started training with a personal trainer, Carlo Di Stefanowhich created a fitness program especially for her. With tenacity e patienceNoemi gave her body the necessary time to radically transform. To date, the program followed by the singer includes trxthe medicine balls they rubber bandsalso integrated with exercises a free body. Essential for his training, it is also the tacfit characterized by ad work high intensity which varies between 20 and 25 minutes.

Obviously, everything can only be accompanied by a correct diet and based on needs of your own body. Also in this case, Noemi chose a professional in the sector, a doctor Monica Germani. In the past the singer declared that she had a unhealthy relationship with the foodalso because of the psychological stress which came from his role as artist. This, however, did not do that negatively impact both on his body than on his mind. Today he finally found his equilibrium with food following the method METAa nutritional program that not only focuses on the aesthetic aspect, but also involves the mental well-being. The singer, therefore, has learned to have a healthy relationship with the food and with herself.

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