Nord Stream, those six people suspected of sabotaging the gas pipeline

by time news

The military point 399 | The investigation into the sabotage of 26 September continues. The yacht, Andromeda, has been traced, but there is no trace of the crew: they were the captain, two divers, two assistants for the divers, a doctor, they spoke Czech and Polish

Andromeda. the mythological name of the boat at the center of the great marine intrigue, the sabotage of the Nord Stream. A story of which fragments are known, offered by many reconstructions, but little is known about those responsible.

Estate 2022, the CIA warns allied countries of the possible risk of an attack on the two pipelines, which transport gas from Russia to Western Europe via Germany: Nord Stream 1, which has two pipelines in operation since 2011, which runs from Vyborg, on the border with Finland, to Lubmin, in northeastern Germany; and Nord Stream 2, two other pipelines completed but never in operation, which from Ust-Luga, on the border with Estonia, arrives in the same location. According to the CIA, there are indications of preparations by three Ukrainians who are trying to get a boat in the Baltic area, possibly in Sweden. The report finds dramatic confirmation in the explosion of 26 September, which causes two leaks in the pipelines of Nord Stream 1 and one in those of Nord Stream 2. Why couldn’t they avoid it? Were the bombers more skilled than the hunters? Unanswered questions: subsequent investigations by Germany and Norway collect only partial insights, while the American and German media add details.

In the first days of September a Polish company managed by Ukrainians — writes the Wall Street Journal — he asks for rent a boat for a month in the German port of Rostock. The normal request, many do it even if the period is strange. Tourist activities of this type usually take place in warmer periods. The choice fell on the Andromeda: a Bavaria C50, fifteen metres, with 5 comfortable cabins. The wooden interior, cozy. At the stern a reclining platform, useful as a support. The contract paid — about 3,000 euros for a week — by a Polish firm run by Ukrainians continues the Wall Street Journal —, customers present passports that are probably forged. Mostly Spiegel they are Bulgarian documents, for just a guess. The crew consisted of six people: the captain, two divers, two helpers for the divers, a doctor. A woman is also part of the dirty half dozen. A witness explains to the weekly: they were dressed in a normal way, they had bags from the supermarket with food, they spoke in Czech or Polish. Indications that make up a mosaic of the East. Uncertain.

On the 6th the boat leaves, it stops at another small port, in Wiek. here that the team may have transferred four ordnance aboard for a total of 500 kilograms of explosives, material arrived on the pier with a van. In the airport there are no cameras that film passages and no registers to fill out. A perfect place to work in peace. Someone argued that the seabed would be too shallow for a yacht that houses the six team members, all the equipment to operate at 70-80 meters of depth, bombs, supplies. In any case, Andromeda resumes her journey to Christians, in Denmark. This is also a discreet landing place, so much so that only after the bang will the authorities ask those who were in the area to come forward if they noticed anomalies or took useful photos between 16 and 18 September. Apparently nothing emerges. The timer, however, continues to mark the time. Inexorable. And the devastating explosions arrive. Then the accusations and the new questions.

The first suspicions point to the Russians, Moscow accuses the Anglo-Saxons, a succession of which prodest, a law that is valid up to a certain point and can be denied by provocations. The investigators are certain that the mission was carried out by professionals, there must be the hand of a state. Some less convinced experts claim that divers with experience and equipment would be able to do it. One wonders if the boat was really sufficient to accommodate the necessities. Each deployment remembers the presence of opposing units in the attack zone. An expert indicates the strange movements of the Minerva Julie, which set sail from Rotterdam and headed for St. Petersburg, which between 5 and 12 September sailed with unusual maneuvers in an area that would soon become the scene of the crime. Is the tanker a Moscow shield ship?

Prudence, theories, a lot of fog. Until new revelations. Journalist Seymour Hersch calls the CIA into questionwhile US intelligence — quoted by New York Times — hypothesizes the action of an autonomous Ukrainian commando, with Kiev not knowing about the operation. The indiscretions of the newspaper, together with those of other newspapers, multiply the scenarios between denials, checks and counter-checks to rebut the theses:

1) a convenience version to cover a stroke of the services.

2) a diversiona bone thrown to public opinion.

3) a message from Washington to Zelensky – keep yours at bay.

4) The attack was carried out by a part of Ukrainian services.

5) a maneuver by Moscow to place the blame on the enemy.

Meanwhile, the Germans would have found traces of explosives on Andromeda. An important piece of the puzzle, not decisive. The boat ended up in a boathouse on the German Baltic island of Rgen, where reporters from it appears that it has never been rented again. In January, history seems to repeat itself in Gdansk in Poland with strange Spanish or Portuguese divers rescued at sea. They have rented a speedboat and diving equipment, there is some doubt about the documents, so they let them go. But side dish, maybe nothing. The real point is that there is no precise information on the six alleged saboteurs, their nationality, where they are and who gave the order. The certainties of those who are convinced they know the identity of the culprits remain.

March 17, 2023 (change March 17, 2023 | 2:45 pm)

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