Nordic Walking Tips for Beginners: Master the Right Technique, Start Small, and Choose the Right Stick

by time news

2023-08-21 21:29:55

Nordic Walking: 5 Tips for Beginners

Nordic walking is an excellent low-impact sport for long-term weight loss. It is easy to learn, but beginners should keep a few things in mind before starting out. Here are five tips to help you get started:

1. Master the Right Technique

Before you grab your sticks and start walking, it’s important to learn the correct technique. Maintaining the proper posture is crucial. Keep your upper body straight with a slight forward bend at the hips. Lift your chest and pull your shoulders back. Your head should be straight with your gaze forward.

During Nordic walking, your arms and legs move in opposite directions in a cross-coordinated gait. Place your feet flat on the ground, properly rolling them from heel to toe. Avoid fully extending the front knee when touching down and allow the back knee to stretch during dynamic push-offs. When swinging your arms, the movement should come from the shoulders. Keep a slight bend in your elbow when swinging forward and lengthen your arms as much as possible when swinging backward.

Using the sticks correctly is equally important. Adjust the length so that your hands are at belly button height. Hold the sticks close to your body. Ensure that the right stick touches the ground when the left heel touches down, and vice versa. The stick insertion should always be behind the toes of the front foot, not in front of them.

2. Start Small

When beginning Nordic walking, start with shorter sessions of about 10 minutes to allow your body to acclimate to the new sport. Gradually increase the duration over time. Two to three training sessions per week are sufficient in the beginning. Remember to give your body enough time to rest and recover.

3. Choose the Right Pace

Walk at a slower pace initially to minimize the risk of injury and to practice the proper technique effectively. Walking too fast can cause you to become quickly fatigued. A speed of approximately 5 km/h is ideal for beginners. As you continue training, your speed will naturally improve.

4. Choose the Right Stick

The walking stick is a crucial component of Nordic walking, and it’s important to choose the right one. The correct stick length is determined by multiplying your height by 0.66. Visit a specialist shop for guidance on selecting the right stick for you.

5. Ignore Others’ Opinions

When you start Nordic walking, be prepared for curious looks or even comments from others. However, don’t let this discourage you. Focus on why you chose Nordic walking in the first place – because it’s enjoyable and promotes your overall health.

Remember, the journey to fitness and well-being is personal, and Nordic walking is a great way to achieve your goals. Embrace the sport and enjoy all the benefits it has to offer.

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