Norma Piña will not go to the Senate, ‘there are no conditions for dialogue between Powers’

by time news

2023-10-24 04:32:36

The president of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), Norma Lucía Piña Hernándezhas declared that she is unable to go to the Senate of the Republic on behalf of the highest court, given the lack of conditions for a dialogue between the three Powers on the elimination of 13 trusts of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (PJF), after the Morena coordinator, Eduardo Ramírez, announced that they did not have “formal information.”

Through a letter, Piña Hernández said that he received an invitation from Morenoist senator Alejandro Rojas Díaz Durán, on behalf of the parliamentary group, and from the parliamentary coordinators of the National Action Party (PAN), Julen Rementería; and from the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), Manuel Añorve.

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César Cravioto, legislator from Morena and member of the Political Coordination Board (Jucopo), was one of the first to open the possibility for the minister-president to go to the legislative chamber; “Let her come. Norma Piña, in her capacity as president of the Federal Judiciary Council, is invited to the Senate of the Republic to come, present and defend the interests that they are defending and she will be heard and she will also have to listen to us because we do not want them to continue these privileges of the high bureaucracy of the Judiciary,” said the Morenoist spokesperson.

However, the invitation was not supported by Morena, since the president of the Jucopo, Eduardo Ramírez, denied the initiative to dialogue with the minister president of the SCJN.

Derived from Ramírez’s statements, she indicated that she is unable to attend, despite the fact that she requested the Senate Board of Directors to convene all the political forces represented in that body.

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“I reiterate my willingness and openness to respectful dialogue, as long as the institutional conditions exist, plurality is represented and the regulatory framework that bases the meeting between Powers is made clear,” he indicated.

Piña Hernández pointed out that this Monday, “I responded to the 3 groups with my affirmative of attending to their invitation, since, as I mentioned in the corresponding responses, for the Judicial Branch of the Federation, institutional dialogue with the Legislative Branch is a priority. Proof of this is the formal request that I presented to the presidency of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Deputies on October 16 (the date on which the initiative in question was discussed and approved), to present the corresponding proposals.”

(With information from El Universal)

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