North Kivu: new fighting reported between M23 and self-defense groups in Rutshuru (CongoForum)

by time news

2023-07-12 22:32:42

RUTSHURU – Violent fighting between the terrorists of the March 23 movement (M23) and the self-defense groups have been recorded since the morning of this Tuesday July 11 in the Tongo and Bukombo groups in the territory of Rutshuru in North Kivu.

These clashes began around 1 a.m. testify several sources in the region. According to them, the locality of Bushuli, the Kavumu and Shonyi villages in the Tongo grouping are experiencing an invasion of refractories while in the Bukombo grouping in the Sisa locality, the rebels have intensified their attacks there.

These clashes cause the massive displacement of populations towards Tongo Northeast, Kabizo, Butare, Nyanzale, entities deemed calm.

These populations fear the consequences of the clashes in these regions located in the east of the DRC, which have been very threatened by the M23-RDF coalition in recent times. These same sources in this region point out that several acts of looting, rape, massacre and many other rebel acts continue to be documented here and there under the guidance of the M23.

This situation worries at a higher level the organizations of the civil society which seek a determination of the Congolese government in the reconquest of all the localities controlled by the rebels of the M23 supported by Rwanda.

They also believe that the presence of EAC troops in some parts has no impact on security.

Meanwhile, the fighting continues at the level of Kanyatsi, a village in the locality of Makomalehe in the Bukombo group still in the territory of Rutshuru.

© CongoForum – Paulin Munyala,

Image – source: Congolese press

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