North Korea launches an underwater drone designed to create a radioactive tsunami

by time news

Kim Jong-un watches the tests of the marine nuclear drone KCNA | EFE

The new nuclear weapon tested by the Pyongyang regime responds to the military exercises of the United States and South Korea

24 mar 2023 . Updated at 07:59 h.

North Korea has confirmed the launch this Friday of a strategic submarine nuclear weapon in tests off the coast of Riwon, in South Hamgyong province, which has reached the waters of Hongwon Bay, 116 kilometers away, and designed to stealthily infiltrate operational waters and create a large-scale radioactive tsunami.

He dron nuclearwhich was placed on Tuesday, has detached a warhead that has sailed at a depth of between 80 and 150 meters in the waters of the sea ​​of ​​japan, known by Korea as the East Sea, for 59 hours and 12 minutes, as detailed in a statement by the state agency KCNA and collected by Europa Press. After organizing and guiding a combined tactical drill simulating a nuclear counterattack, the Central Military Commission of the Workers’ Party commanded drills from March 21 to 23, which served as a demonstration of military strike capability to alert the enemy of a crisis. actual nuclear power and verify the reliability of the nuclear self-defense forces, North Korea has confirmed.

They accuse the United States and South Korea of ​​rehearsing an “occupation” exercise of North Korea, in view of its forms and contents during the joint military exercises that both countries are carrying out under the name of Liberty ShieldThese maneuvers, accuses the North Korean country, urgently require that North Korea prepare its entire Armed Forces structure for a war and reinforce its nuclear capabilities, both in quality and quantity.

North Korea has announced the launch of an underwater drone capable of creating a radioactive tsunami KCNA | EFE

The North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un, has overseen this latest launch with great satisfaction, and has expressed his intention to make both the United States and South Korea join in despair over their choice to do this high-level military demonstration. The day before, the South Korean authorities reported that North Korea had launched several cruise missiles into the Sea of ​​Japan, amid heightened tensions on the Korean peninsula.

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