North Korea Launches New ‘Tactical Nuclear Attack Submarine’ – Analysis and Insights

by time news

North Korea Claims Launch of New Tactical Nuclear Attack Submarine

In a ceremony at the Sinpho shipyard on the country’s east coast, North Korea announced on Friday that it had successfully launched a new “tactical nuclear attack submarine.” The event was filled with pomp and self-congratulation, with leader Kim Jong Un describing the submarine’s capabilities as a “both preemptive and retaliatory strike,” according to the North’s official Korean Central News Agency.

However, the validity of North Korea’s claims could not be immediately confirmed, as the country has a history of boasting about achievements it has not yet accomplished. Nevertheless, experts note that North Korea has surprised analysts in the past by overcoming technical challenges and demonstrating credible and operational weapons systems.

NK News, a specialist website based in Seoul, suggested that the submarine unveiled on Friday appears to be the same one Kim publicly inspected in July 2019 during its construction phase. It was converted from an existing Romeo-class submarine. The submarine was named the Hero Kim Kun Ok, after a North Korean naval leader who supposedly sank the USS Baltimore during the Korean War, although the USS Baltimore was actually decommissioned in 1947.

North Korean state media emphasized that the submarine, named in celebration of the Day of the Foundation of the Republic on September 9, will play a crucial role as one of the core underwater offensive assets of the country’s naval force.

Over the past year, North Korea has significantly ramped up its weapons tests, conducting launches of powerful intercontinental ballistic missiles that could potentially reach the U.S. mainland. The country’s space agency also recently attempted to launch a spy satellite capable of conducting space-based reconnaissance, although it was unsuccessful.

According to the Nuclear Threat Initiative, a Washington-based watchdog nonprofit, North Korea is estimated to possess about 64 to 86 submarines, some of which are capable of launching ballistic missiles. However, experts believe that a number of these submarines may not be operational due to their age.

As tensions in the region continue to rise, the launch of this claimed new tactical nuclear attack submarine raises concerns about North Korea’s military capabilities and its potential impact on regional security. The international community will closely monitor developments to determine the veracity of North Korea’s claims and assess the implications for regional stability.

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