North Korean warplanes approached the border

by time news

South Korea sent dozens of fighter jets to the border after the enemy from the North sent several fighter jets. Earlier this week, North Korea launched a ballistic missile, and people in Japan went into shelters. This is a very unusual step, even in terms of North Korea, which has a very rich past of provocations against the South

Yesterday, Kim Jong Un, the dictator of North Korea, crossed another line, when eight fighter planes and four bomber planes of the North Korean Air Force arrived near the demilitarized area on the border between the two Koreas. This is a very unusual step, even in terms of North Korea, which has a very rich past of provocations against the South, and against the other countries of the region.

In response, South Korea launched dozens of military aircraft, including 30 fighter jets and other aircraft of various types. In practice, the planes of each of the countries remained in the airspace of their country, and they did not cross the border, and there was also no actual confrontation between the planes, but the very fact that the two countries reached the point where they launch fighter jets at each other, increases the tensions and brings it to a peak. The fear now is about another nuclear test that North Korea will conduct, after it stopped conducting nuclear tests about five years ago.

Kim Jong Un continues to stretch the rope, and on the morning of Tuesday this week he crossed a red line that has not been crossed for over five years, when North Korea launched a ballistic missile to a distance of about 4000 kilometers. On its way, the missile passed over the skies of Japan, and residents in large areas of Japan were ordered to immediately go down to shelters or take other shelter if possible. Train traffic in these areas was also stopped until the danger had passed.

According to reports, this is the fifth time in just ten days that North Korea has launched a ballistic missile, but it is the first time in the last five years that it has done so over the skies of Japan or any other country. From the fact that the missile reached a distance of 4000 kilometers, it can be concluded that the island of Guam, which is under American protection and where large US military bases operate, is within range of North Korea’s ballistic missiles, which is known to also possess nuclear capabilities.

Kim Jong Un’s great ambition is to have nuclear missiles that can threaten the US itself, and until he gets what he wants, he is content with important American targets that are not on US soil. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said in response to the launch of the missile that it was a ‘nuclear provocation’ on the part of North Korea, and that North Korea’s irresponsible behavior could no longer continue.

He promised to respond decisively to the provocative and dangerous step. South Korean government officials also issued similar statements, but in practice it seems that the response capabilities are very limited, because a military confrontation is not expected to develop in response to these events, and the economic sanctions already imposed on North Korea are maximum, and there are no more economic measures left that can be taken as a precaution and are not being taken today.

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