Not everything is rosy: these are the reasons why you should avoid buying an electric vehicle

by time news

It is no secret that electric vehicles have advantages over other vehicles, but it is important to emphasize that there are also disadvantages – and there are quite a few | The details are in the article

The entry of electric vehicles EV (Electric Vehicles) into Israel and the world is evident and is happening at a fast pace. Beyond their contribution to reducing air pollution and noise, the question arises as to whether they also contribute to road safety. By comparing several indicators it can be seen that electric vehicles have advantages over other vehicles but also disadvantages. Below are a number of indicators for comparison collected for you by the National Road Safety Authority.

Vehicle weight: Electric vehicles are often heavier than traditional vehicles due to their battery packs, which may increase the risk of more serious injury during an accident due to the vehicle’s greater momentum (speed twice the weight). There is also an effect on stopping distances. However, electric vehicles have a lower center of gravity due to the location of the batteries at the bottom of the vehicle, which provides good stability and reduces the risk of overturning.

Instantaneous torque: Electric vehicles provide instant torque transferred from the engine to the wheels, which means they can accelerate quickly to maneuver and get out of danger in situations that require high acceleration such as when overtaking. On the other hand, it is possible to abuse the acceleration of the vehicle even unnecessarily, which may surprise other road users.

Range anxiety: To maintain a long driving range and the fear that the battery will run out before reaching the destination, driving an electric vehicle makes drivers drive at the speed limit in a more relaxed and moderate manner and less at excessive speed.

Battery charging time: While refueling a gasoline-powered vehicle takes a few minutes, charging an electric vehicle, even if it is fast charging, takes tens of minutes, which requires the driver to rest and refresh longer before setting off, thus contributing to increased safety.

Regenerative braking: EVs use regenerative braking, which means that when the driver applies the brakes, the braking energy is diverted to charge the battery. This braking reduces wear and tear on the brake system, improves braking performance and helps maintain vehicle control over time.

Quieter operation: Electric vehicles are much quieter than gasoline-powered vehicles, which may increase the risk to other road users who do not hear the approaching vehicle. In this context, it should be noted that the European directive obliges the manufacturers of silent vehicles to play artificial sounds from the vehicle traveling at low speeds to warn road users.

Fear of a car fire: Electric vehicles and gasoline powered vehicles have different risks and causes of fires. It is worth noting that both types of vehicles are subject to strict safety checks and regulations to ensure that they are safe to drive, and the chance of catching fire and breaking out in them is low.

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