Not just food in the millennial diet: 7 out of 10 take food supplements

by time news

2024-02-06 00:10:00

Food supplements: consumption among millennials is growing. Informed consumers, 65% buy them in pharmacies

The search and maintenance of physical and mental well-being it is the basis of the lifestyle of millennials Italians, who try to achieve this objective through a healthy diet and constant physical activity, while at the same time attributing a central role to childrenfood integrators.

In the last year, in fact, they have been using them 7 millennials su 10 (70%) and 82% declare having used these products at least once in their life.

This is the photograph taken from a recent study carried out by Future Concept Lab and commissioned by Integratori & Salute[1]the association that represents the food supplement sector in Italy and which is part of the Italian Food Union.

This is a conscious consumption which, despite the fact that it concerns a so-called “digital native” generation, is guided by the traditional and authoritative channels of health professionals: first and foremost, doctors (42.3%) and pharmacists (33.8%).

The advice of industry professionals is the main driver for orienting purchasing choices, as well as a fundamental tool for raising awareness Generation Y on what food supplements really are: 3 millennials su 4 (75%) demonstrate that they have the right perception of these products, recognizing that they can “support well-being, but not replace medicines”.

“As an association, we have always been committed to providing correct information on the role of supplements and their correct use – he declares Germano Scarpa, president of Integratori & Salute – and we are satisfied to note how, based on the main evidence emerging from the Future Concept Lab study, millennials demonstrate correct knowledge and conscious use of these products, being at the same time a generation attentive to maintenance of your health through a healthy lifestyle. Furthermore, today more than ever, it is clear that the role played by health professionals (family doctors and pharmacists first and foremost) is essential to ensure that supplements are used appropriately“.

The statistics

For the 65% of Italian millennialsthe pharmacy and/or parapharmacy is the preferred place to purchase supplements.

While only 1 in 4 (26%) prefers online purchases on specialized health sites. At a greater distance – 2 out of 10 (23%) do it – we find the purchase in autonomy at the supermarket. Finally, there are those who also prefer to buy supplements in natural food stores (14.8%) or online on a specific brand’s website (8.1%).

From the Future Concept Lab’s investigation, some distinctive traits emerged regarding the lifestyles of Italian millennials, which stand out primarily for the advanced integration between real and digital life, and show a strong orientation towards problem solving in every situation of your daily life.

The Generation Y presents itself as the most attentive to health protection: those born between 1980 and 1996 try – more than any other generation – to consume foods that help prevent ailments and problems (36% compared to an average of 27%) by choosing fresh foods, also with a view to safeguarding the environment (over 50% do it).

The taking care of your body turns out to be a central element: 24% practice physical activity, slightly higher than the average of 20%. Balancing private life and work, managing stress and also paying attention to mental health are priority objectives shared by 68.5% of millennials, who demonstrate a holistic approach to well-being.

Millennials dedicate great attention to food supplements for maintaining physical and mental well-being. Italians between 26 and 43 consider these products as a “good help for everyone” (71%), but also as “a support for healthy eating and exercise” (69.3%) and consider them fundamental to “support psychophysical well-being” (65.3%).

Among the crucial functions for which millennials resort to supplements, we find: strengthening of the immune system (30,4%), come energetic complement (27%), as help for strengthen hair/skin/nails (23%) and for improving memory (20%).

Tomorrow’s supplements according to millennials

Imagining them supplements of the futuremillennials predict that these products will take on an increasingly important role in daily life, becoming even more strategic components for well-being and maintenance of health statusin every age group.

Looking at the future ‘shape’ of supplements, nearly half of millennials would prefer them to be in capsule with biotech casing (45%) or liquidsin vials of bio material (35%).

Followed, at a great distance, by those who would like to hire them dustto be sprinkled on food as a spice (13%) or in drops (7.4%).

READ ALSO: Tik Tok, the war declared between “Boomers” and “Generation Z”

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