“Not just hummus and skewers”: the chef who changes the perception of Arab cuisine

by time news

“I led the transformation of Arab cuisine in Israel that took place more than 20 years ago,” says chef Nashat Abbas. “At that time, everyone thought that Arab cuisine was a cuisine of hummus, skewers and chips. I led the Israelis’ perceptual change on the matter. Today, everyone knows that Arab food is characterized by fine and diverse flavors.”

Neshat is the owner of the Aramon Sahara restaurant located at the entrance to Kibbutz Dovar in the north. According to him, “the challenges facing a chef and a restaurant owner are not limited to preparing innovative and unique dishes. The first challenge is the lack of professionals in the market, there is no manpower. Because of the lack of workers, sometimes I have to wash the dishes or the floor at the end of a working day, in addition to my normal work as a chef.” “.

In addition to the lack of workers, Nashat shares the financing difficulties. “Restaurants today are at a high risk with the banks. There is no financing and credit. The fees and risk that the banks impose are unjust in general and in particular for the restaurant industry in Arab society. It is a family business and therefore there are no investors outside the industry.”

Nashet points out that the restaurant industry is becoming more difficult year by year. “Profit percentages are shrinking due to the excessive increase in the prices of raw materials. I travel a lot around the world and envy the prices that are offered in the markets, why is everything cheap abroad and so expensive here?

“Another obstacle that really bothers restaurateurs is the amount of taxes that apply to restaurants,” he complains. “The business is not allowed to breathe, develop and progress, and difficulties are only piled up. In addition, a business license includes so many requirements, hurts restaurateurs and costs a fortune of money that ends up going down the drain after a few years. For example, a fire extinguisher permit, an electrician permit, a gas permit, Plumber approval, sprinkler approval and much more. The feeling is that there is an exaggeration in the requirements.”

The Sahara Palace Restaurant is located on the outskirts in the heart of the Jezreel Valley. “This makes it easier for us to choose the unique crops for the region. The restaurant and its menu are a part of my life. The menu is based on the four seasons of the year. The hottest and most successful is the winter season with the blooming of the wild herbs and the harvests from the field.”

Nashat even shares that his experiences as a child help him today. “I experienced a different childhood. A childhood of playing in the woods and in nature, which contributed to me and serves as an inspiration to this day in the dishes I prepare. I know all the streams and springs in the area where I live, I know and recognize each stream, how big it is and what blooms around it. In my opinion, I enjoy a great advantage In the raw materials, crops and crops that make up my kitchen. Over four million people have already passed by and tasted our food.”

At the end, Nashat spoke about his ambitions for the future. “I believe and am sure that the restaurant will continue to lead Arab cuisine in Israel and will be a leading factor in Israeli cuisine as a special cuisine that will also gain international recognition.”

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