Not one or two, leaving three government jobs, made farming a business, earning lakhs of rupees

by time news

Dhanraj, a resident of Rajasthan, spent Rs 4 lakh for the first time to cultivate soyabean, but earned a profit of around Rs 38 lakh.

If you get a government job and then after some time, someone tells you to do farming, leave the hassle of this job, what would you do? You might call it stupid, wouldn’t you? But Dhanraj Lovevanshi, who lives in Baran district of Rajasthan, left not one or two, but three government jobs and made farming his business and today he is earning lakhs of rupees.

However, it was not that easy for 29-year-old Dhanraj. Not only did he listen to people’s taunts for his decision, but his family also left him. But Dhanraj had full faith in himself and his decision.

He came to Maharashtra in the year 2022 to learn something new in traditional farming. He learned the nuances of farming from many different places and then with the Israeli multi-crop method, he started soybean cultivation in his 26-acre farm in his village.

Left the government job and chose farming, how much did it benefit?

Dhanraj Lovavanshi in his farm

Dhanraj, who quit his government job to cultivate soyabean, spent Rs 4 lakh for the first time, but earned a profit of around Rs 38 lakh. This time he has grown ten types of off-season vegetables, due to which he has an estimate of earning one crore. Today, Dhanraj is not only earning well through farming himself, but has also given employment to 40 people in his farm.

Along with this, he also runs a dairy farm. Today he has 23 varieties of buffaloes and cows, whose milk he supplies to big dairies. Dhanraj believes that today’s youth can learn a lot through social media. Its proper use can prove beneficial for them.

Today people in his village call Dhanraj by the name of ‘scientist’. Now he has a plan to start a vegetable harvesting company in the future. The story of Dhanraj is an example that if the right technique is learned and adopted, then there is no loss in farming, but only profit.

See also: Food forest grown on barren land leaving job in Dubai, selling produce abroad

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