Not only Covid, after the business letter from Hope 1 million for postponed visits

by time news

Speranza allocates € 1 million to recover visits and screening postponed due to the pandemic moves the government, after the open letter (which you can read here) to Draghi and Speranza, the health minister announced the allocation of 1 million euros to recover visits and screenings postponed due to Covid and not concerning the pandemic virus .

The theme is back strongly in the spotlight after the untimely death of two beloved characters such as Silvia Tortora, Enzo’s daughter, and the president of the European Parliament David Sassoli (we talked about it here).

The Government is working on the “issue of postponed interventions and visits not made due to the peaks of Covid and the consequent pressure on hospitals, last year in ‘decree august‘ They were allocated 500 million euros for their recovery and in the approved budget law there is another half billion dedicated to this purpose “.

The said health minister Roberto Speranza, in his speech at Question Time in the Chamber. On the front of the fight against cancer, “the topic is particularly relevant, in 2020 they were diagnosed 2.7 million in the EU and 300 thousand in Italy. Screening and prevention are the essential levers and research is the most powerful weapon “, says Speranza, underlining that” Italy supports the European plan to fight cancer with great conviction “.

To raise the alarm on the negative effect that the resurgence of the virus in the Omicron variant is having on cancer patients were the same primary hospital oncologists from the pages of, with an open letter recoverable here.

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