Not only football stars, super offers in Arabia to have Italian doctors

by time news

2023-08-18 11:09:31

Ronaldo, Neymar, Benzema, Milinkovic-Savic, are the soccer stars who have decided to leave Europe to fly to Arabia and accept millionaire offers to launch the Saudi Pro League worldwide, but there is another profession that is covered in gold in Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain and Kuwait: European doctors. The phenomenon, which also includes nurses, is not new but in recent years it has increased hand in hand with the large investments that have been made in hospitals and highly specialized centres.

“We have been monitoring this phenomenon for about eight years – explains to Salute Foad Aodi, president of the Association of foreign doctors in Italy (Amsi) – When salaries of over 14 thousand euros per month are offered plus many benefits, such as the house, the car and school for the children, it is difficult to resist. We receive many requests for doctors with European passports, they are looking above all for Italian, French and German colleagues. In these countries, 10% of GDP is invested in health care, which means having highly specialized and therefore serve: orthopedics, plastic surgeons, anesthesiologists, gynecologists, paediatricians and, after Covid, infectious diseases and pulmonologists”.

On the web there are specialized sites where it is possible to monitor and find the positions required by hospitals, or it is possible to enter one’s specialization and the city where one would like to go and then find the offers, which are not lacking.

The countries of the Persian Gulf “have few medical graduates – recalls the president of AMSI – because young people prefer to opt for economic or technological faculties. 90% of graduates from the countries of the Persian Gulf come from Palestine, Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Morocco. But that’s not enough”. Dubai Healthcare City (Dhcc) is a small city within a city established in 2002 that brings together primary healthcare services, industry businesses and hospitality providers, with over 4,400 healthcare professionals, 10 hospitals and other facilities.

The trump card of practicing the profession of doctor at these latitudes is “a streamlined bureaucracy”, highlights Aodi who explains the ‘gap’ with Italy. “In 30-40 days there is recognition of the degree title, this means that you can start working immediately, not like in Italy where – if you are a foreign doctor – you need citizenship to apply for competitions and for recognition They also take a year to complete their degree. We have over 3,000 doctors who are stationary for this reason, while they could also work in the NHS. We need – he remarks – to speed up and remove the obligation of citizenship for foreign doctors to participate in competitions. Also because these tests in some situations no one shows up and then Cuban or Argentine doctors are called”.

A few weeks ago in Rome, the signing ceremony of six memoranda of understanding took place between the Ministry of Education of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and six Italian hospitals for the implementation of clinical training programs for Saudi doctors. The following have signed the agreement with the Saudi ministry: the Asst Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda of Milan; the Ismett of Palermo; the Besta Neurological Institute in Milan; National Cancer Institute of Milan; the hospital institution specialized in Gastroenterology ‘Saverio de Bellis’ of Castellana Grotte (Bari); the Federico II University Hospital.

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