Notaries began to record important transactions on video KXan 36 Daily News

by time news

The Federal Notary Chamber of Russia reported that notaries have introduced video recording of important actions into everyday practice. This helps protect transactions and wills from contestation, and in some cases exposes fraudsters.

“In one of the cases, the video recording materials became not only proof of the legitimacy of the transaction, but also had a very useful” side effect “, – they say in the notary chamber. – The notary certified the donation agreement, and after a while the donor fell under the influence of people who convinced him, that the contract must be disputed.

In order to understand the situation, they again raised the video recording materials. They not only proved that the transaction was legal, but also extremely surprised the judge: on the video footage, the donor looked healthy, well-groomed, cheerful, and spoke coherently.

“But in the courtroom, it seemed, the same person was sitting, but at the same time he didn’t look like himself three years ago: haggard, obviously drunk, lost,” the notary continues. “As a result, interest switched to those who soldered the man, and questions arose already to them. And the contract stood in court. “

In addition, notaries note that the presence of a video camera in the office disciplines clients, and those who come with unclean thoughts are in a hurry to leave the notary’s office, noticing the lens.

“It happens that people who have applied for a notarial action categorically refuse video recording,” the FNP says. “Such a refusal can alert a notary – as a rule, if the client’s intentions are transparent, the camera does not bother him. most often they themselves ask to record the notarial action on video. Professional market participants, for example, realtors, also often, bringing clients to the notary’s office, note the need to record the transaction on video.

The notary emphasizes that video recording does not affect the cost of a notarial act. You will not have to pay for the video recording or for the further storage of its materials. It is also important that the notarial act and any information related to its performance is a secret and is protected by law. Therefore, all video materials containing the process of performing a notarial act are kept under lock and key. There is a full guarantee that they will not only not end up on the Web, but will not fall into the eyes of outsiders at all.

When making wills, notaries must include a video camera

“For certain types of notarial acts, video recording is mandatory. Thus, a joint will of spouses or an inheritance contract is certified only under the camera lens,” the FNP explains. “In case of disputes, video recording materials protect both citizens and the notary. The notary will be able to provide the court with irrefutable confirmation for example, the fact of the personal presence of a person in the notary’s office at the time of the notarial act, or demonstrate that all the terms of the transaction were explained to the participants in the transaction and they clearly understood what document they were signing.

So video recording solves the old problem of contesting a will by disgruntled heirs. Bypassed in the will, the descendants often try to prove that their relative was not himself. But the video recording allows you to remove all questions.

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