Notice! How are dengue fever symptoms different from COVID-19 infection?

by time news

The Department of Medical Affairs reveals how dengue fever symptoms are different from COVID-19 patients.

Today (28 March 65), Dr. Somsak Ankasil, Director-General of the Department of Medical Services, revealed that with inclement weather Both hot weather and storms resulted in rain in many areas. cause flooding which is a breeding ground for mosquitoes In many provinces, the number of dengue hemorrhagic fever cases has increased. along with the spread of the COVID-19 virus. It may confuse people to care for and monitor the symptoms of opt-out fever and COVID-19. Especially small children should be closely supervised. because young children are easily ill And children in the age group under 5 years have not been vaccinated against COVID-19. If you are unwell, have a fever, body aches, and diarrhoea, the ATK test results are negative, be careful of dengue fever.

Causes of Dengue Fever

Dr. Adisai Phattatang, Director of the Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health, Department of Medicine, added that Causes of Dengue Fever Caused by infection with dengue virus, there are 4 strains, namely DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3 and DENV-4, with Aedes mosquitoes as vectors.

Cause of COVID-19

Section of COVID-19 Caused by the new coronavirus 2019 (SARS-CoV-2) can be transmitted from person to person through droplets, phlegm, saliva through contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, mouth.

But in the event that if the epidemic occurs at the same time, there will be a chance to find patients infected with Covid-19 and dengue fever. critically ill patients with dengue hemorrhagic fever There will be lymph leaking out of the veins. cause shock which if not receiving water substitutes in a timely manner It will cause prolonged shock, leading to liver failure, kidney failure, and other organ failures, leading to death.

Suspected Danger Signs of Dengue Fever

For Covid-19, “Omicron” in some patients may have symptoms similar to dengue fever. In particular, high fever, vomiting, or diarrhea may occur. A history of close contact with COVID patients during 7 – 10 days and doing ATK by yourself will help screening and isolating the disease. In isolated cases, blood tests such as complete blood count and NS-1 protein determination of dengue virus are performed. especially during the first 3 days of fever

will help diagnose dengue fever Suspected Danger Signs He had dengue in a critical period. and have a chance to go into shock, including severe abdominal pain restless or abnormal crying in babies, cold hands and feet, less urine output Must be taken to the hospital immediately. In a case with a high fever for 2-3 days without coughing clear snot should be taken to the hospital for examination for the doctor to diagnose or send a blood test to monitor dengue fever before entering the crisis period As for the treatment of dengue fever, there is currently no antiviral drug.


for dengue Treatment is symptomatic. If you have a fever, wipe yourself and take paracetamol to reduce fever only. Do not use aspirin, ibuprofen. If the patient has little food intake, milk, fruit juice or mineral water may be given along with covid-19

If the symptoms are not severe Palliative treatment will be given according to symptoms. when you have a fever or headache to take medicine to reduce fever Most of them will have a fever for less than 2-3 days and will gradually improve. If you have runny nose, take decongestants as needed. or if the mucus is thick green

In older children, the nose can be rinsed with saline. If there is a cough, take cough medicine according to symptoms. and frequent sips of warm water If fever is higher than 39°C, panting faster than usual, dimpled chest, flared nose wings, cyanotic breath, fingertip oxygen level less than 94%, drowsiness, not suckling, not eating, vomiting or vomiting continuously. Should the child be rushed to the hospital according to the right or Hospitals in the area of ​​responsibility

Information from the Department of Medical Services

Picture from Department of Medical Services / TNN ONLINE

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