2024-02-20 17:56:58
In a blow to the makers of the upcoming Telugu ‘Ganja Shankar’, the Telangana State Anti-Narcotic Bureau (TSNAB) has asked the filmmakers to remove the word ‘Ganja’ from the name of the film. Regarding the title of the film and the trailer uploaded on YouTube, TSNAB has told actor Sai Dharam Tej, producer and director of the film, that if any objectionable scene related to ganja/narcotics is included, then cases under NDPS Act will be filed against him. Legal action will be initiated under this.
TSNAB director Sandeep Shandilya congratulated actor Dharam Tej, who plays the lead role in the film, and producer S. Notice has been issued to Nagvanshi and director Sampat Nandi. TSNAB believes that the title of the film and the scenes contained in the trailer appear to glorify the use and sale of drugs, potentially in violation of the NDPS Act.
The film ‘Ganja Shankar’ is an act of inciting or promoting crime.
The notice said, ‘We believe that the film Ganja Shankar is potentially inciting or promoting the crime of drug abuse.’ The TSNAB director asked the actors and producers to refrain from showing any such scenes as it has a harmful effect on the young generation.
No cultivation of hemp poppy or any hemp plant
Referring to the trailer, the notice states that the business of leafy vegetables done by the company is ganja. Under Section 8 of the NDPS Act, no person shall cultivate opium poppy or any cannabis plant. It also mentions Section 29 which provides for punishment for insult and criminal conspiracy.
May have negative impact on students and youth
The Director mentioned that the Telangana Government is taking all steps to stop the menace of drugs especially among the students and youth. He said, ‘Showing the actor as a ganja businessman in your film and glorifying his work and especially the title ‘Ganja Shankar’ will have a negative impact on the audience, students and youth.’