Novak Djokovic admits: I broke isolation after coming out positive

by time news

Novak Djokovic’s appeal has been accepted, but the affair is far from over. Despite the Melbourne court ruling that the world number one unvaccinated tennis player will be allowed to take part in the Australian Championships, the Australian government still holds a veto, and can legally still decide on his expulsion from the country. It is estimated that Immigration Minister Alex Hawke, who has the decision in his hands, will seriously consider the possibility of deporting Djokovic from the country with special authority.

In the day since the verdict, Djokovic has begun preparations for the championship that will start in five days and even trained last night (Tuesday) at Rod Labor Stadium, but at the same time reports, rumors and doubts about his conduct after being found positive for Corona continue. Last night, Der Spiegel published an investigation that raises questions about Djokovic’s report on the positive PCR test he presented. According to Nola, he was positive in a test he conducted at the Institute in Bessarabia on December 16. At the same time, he attended several public events in the days that followed, so Der Spiegel raised the speculation that despite Djokovic’s report, he was actually found time-positive on the 26th of the month. If so, they argue, it may be that Djokovic’s report is false and the data he provided is incorrect, whether inadvertently or intentionally.

In Australia, too, there has been further speculation that Djokovic has in fact bought the positive test from the Bessarabia Institute which has been accused of falsifying further results in recent months – and may never have contracted corona, which is supposed to completely change his status and prevent him from recovering.

In general, Djokovic’s conduct in recent weeks has at least raised doubts and doubts. Aside from the fact that he attended public events after being found positive, he also provided incorrect details in the forms he was asked to fill out upon landing in Australia. Thus, for example, the Serb pledged not to leave Belgrade in the two weeks prior to the flight to Melbourne, but was documented in the town of Marbella in Spain, where he recently purchased a house.

Novak Djokovic is training at the Broad Labor Arena ahead of the Australian Championships | Imagebank GettyImages, TPN

Novak Djokovic is training at the Broad Labor Arena ahead of the Australian Championships
Admits some of the accusations. Djokovic tonight | Imagebank GettyImages, Darrian Traynor

This is what Djokovic is really thinking about in Australia

Tonight Djokovic posted an explanatory post on social media, in which he admitted that he knowingly violated isolation, even after being aware of his positive test. He said that when he attended a charity event with children in Belgrade on the 17th of the month – a day after being found positive – he still did not know about the test results. On the 18th of the month, he was interviewed in Belgrade by the French “Akip”, and was photographed without a mask. He said it was the only isolation violation he did knowing he was positive.

“I attended a basketball game in Belgrade on December 14, which in retrospect turned out to have a number of people who were found positive for Corona,” Djokovic revealed the details. “Even though I had no symptoms, I did a quick antigen test on the 16th of the month, and it was negative. To be extra careful, I also did a PCR test that day. “I had symptoms and I was feeling well, and I still had not received the message that I had come out positive on the PCR test,” he claimed.

At the same time, Djokovic admits that “the next day I had an interview with ‘L’ Akip ‘, because I felt the need to meet the commitment I gave to their reporter many months ago. I canceled all the events I was supposed to attend, except the interview with’ L ‘Akip’ .

Djokovic’s mother continues to be interviewed and agitated

This version of Djokovic was confirmed by L’Equipe, but in any case Djokovic admits that “after I got home and started the isolation for the required period, I realized I had made a mistake of judgment. I accept the fact that I had to behave differently With my schedule. ” By the way, the maximum penalty for violating isolation in Serbia is up to three years in prison. Real Madrid striker Luka Jovic, for example, who committed a similar offense, caused a real public outcry in Serbia, and he received a suspended prison sentence.

In addition, Djokovic admitted that he provided incorrect information in the forms he provided for border control in Australia, and that he had indeed stayed in Spain before taking off for Australia. He said the person responsible for the mistake in the forms was his agent who “circled the wrong circle, something that could happen to anyone. It’s not really that kind of thing.”

In Australia the inaccurate information provided by Djokovic and his breach of solitary confinement may be taken into account in deciding whether to use the legal right to deport him from the country. If until now the only reason to deport him from the country was the assumption that he should not be medically excluded, now Immigration Minister Alex Hawke is considering deporting him also due to a clause of “bad and problematic behavior”. According to the Australian media, Hawk and other senior officials in the authorities “stepped up their investigative efforts” to prove that Djokovic distorted details, lied and provided partial information both about the weeks before landing in Melbourne, the actual date he allegedly infected Corona, and documents related to Boost.

Either way, the Serb’s lawyer has in recent hours handed over new documents to authorities in Australia, which he said include “conclusive legal evidence” that Djokovic should be exempted and given permission to participate in the championship, so the decision is likely to be delayed and taken some time later. According to reports in Australia, Morrison government officials are urging the immigration minister to make a quick decision, but he may make it only after a careful examination of the details, “a matter that could take several days.”

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