Novelty should not cause us fear | Cuyo’s diary

by time news

2024-01-11 11:00:01

Novelty often scares us. However, in each awakening we are surprised by an infinite wave of alphabets, which renew our lives, even if we go through dark moments and a multitude of weaknesses. The important thing is not to stop being amazed. To do this, you have to have the creative spirit ready, take the initiative to resist, with the roots that this implies, to understand and care for yourself, in the midst of a task as demanding as it is challenging. This conviction allows us to maintain joy and move forward, no matter how many contrary forces we receive in our daily events. In fact, they are the motivations for a renewed living impulse, which give us wings so as not to weaken in the face of fatigue and difficulties. Certainly, in all periods of our history, the unhealthy search for self, materialism and the desire to accumulate power and hoard possessions have been present, with the sole purpose of deifying oneself or taking over the world. Perhaps, therefore, we should listen to ourselves more. Let us never close ourselves, much less enclose ourselves in our ego, we need to share and make ourselves available, place ourselves in the one who walks by our side.

It is good to gain confidence, stop oppressing ourselves, not resign ourselves to anything and project ourselves into the future. Accommodating diminishes the passion of entering into the continuous trance of being reborn. By its own natural sense, we cannot be an aging society. We have to allow ourselves to be surprised by our peculiar existential diary. Doing it with patience helps us overcome all types of resistance, such as taking care of ethical procedures, which requires us to be strong and docile in spirit at the same time.

Search horizons of communion

Be that as it may, today more than ever, we have to seek horizons of communion that universalize us, to fraternize our own heartbeats, in favor of the collective good and survival. You only have to look at the endless slaughter of children, in the accumulation of bombings that occur daily in different parts of the world, to observe the waves of sadness and the rivers of tears shed. The desperation of so many people, as well as the uncertainty that governs the world, are leaving us numb with panic. We must get out of this ordeal of demonization, of contempt for human rights, which are there to be fulfilled and not violated. To live is to respect and respect yourself, let us never forget that. We have to give a more human face, both to what we have experienced and to what we have left to live. The best recommendation is to be more open-armed and less indifferent.

The humanitarian route for this 2024

The heart is the source of breath; the wisdom of a well-being and better being, in short. It will be good, therefore, for us to trace the humanitarian route for this 2024 that has just begun. Our passage down here goes from amazement to amazement. This requires transformation, to learn to reject what is unhealthy. Without a doubt, we have to strengthen our defenses, stopping the proliferation of hatred, investing much more in social cohesion and strengthening respect and human fraternity. Our best antidote to the poison of discord and division lies in accepting human bonds. Let’s learn to remember what our parents have done, let’s be grateful.

Let’s recover our authentic identity. I know that it is not easy at all. The accumulation of events that usually occur often makes it difficult for us to discern between one thing and the other. In any case, in order not to take the wrong path and not fall into immobility, absurd rigidity or the closure of the will, it is required that we allow ourselves to be tempered and challenged. Nor can we normalize, with the idea of ​​being modern, perverse ideological colonizations. We have to conceive ourselves as beings in formation, beginning by learning to reprimand ourselves and ending by going out of our way to live ideas, with a conciliatory spirit. By doing and loving, it will be our way of living with fullness and dignity.

Victor Corcoba Herrero

#Novelty #fear #Cuyos #diary

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