November 7: 106th Russian Revolution Day | Comrade Lenin’s Holiday Notes | Comrade Stalin

by time news

VIt’s going to end tomorrow. Comrade Lenin will soon return to duty. Do you want to write about “Comrade Lenin’s vacation” at this time? I don’t think this is appropriate. Not only this; My thoughts are many; They are also valuable. It is not entirely prudent to write these in a brief note, as Pravda’s editorial board asks. But what can I do? I have to write because the teachers insist.

I had the opportunity to meet the legendary fighters who worked on the front lines for days without rest. Returning from the battlefield they look like shadows; They will fall like a tree. They will sleep the whole day. They will wake up refreshed and eager for new battles. what to do? They “cannot live!” without fighting. This was the thought that arose in my mind about Lenin when I went to see him in July after six weeks’ absence. He looked like a legendary warrior who, after exhausting continuous battles, took some rest and was refreshed by the rest. He will be refreshed

He was also seen to have recovered from the disease. But his face showed the lines of an overworked man, of immense weariness.

Read: November 7: 106th Russian Revolution Day | Lenin was the genius of the revolution – Comrade Stalin

“I am not allowed to read newspapers. I can’t talk about politics. Even if there is a piece of paper on the table, I cautiously avoid looking at it. What if maybe it was journalism? Will it lead to an out of control?” said Comrade Lenin with false flattery.

I laughed heartily. I raved about his submission to control. People whose career is politics do not talk about politics when they meet! Is this happening? We laughed and talked about the doctors who couldn’t understand this.

What comes to mind when we see Comrade Lenin is his insatiable thirst for news, his indomitable – irrepressible – impulse to duty; It was evident that he looked somewhat starved as these were restricted. What is the status of the trial against the Socialist Revolutionaries? What’s going on in Genoa and The Hague? How are the harvest prospects? Where are the industries? What is the financial situation? – All these questions came like a flood. He was in no rush to express his views. He feels out of touch with events and falls behind. He throws a lot of questions into the conversation. He quietly listens to everything. He gets very excited knowing that there are chances of a good harvest.

A month later, when I saw him again, I saw a completely different scene. This time bundles of books and magazines were piled around him. (He was now allowed to read and talk politics.) There was no sign of fatigue or overwork. He does not have the tension that arises from an unquenchable thirst for work. He does not seem to be “starving” as before. Peace and confidence are completely restored. This is our old Lenin. He penetrates his interlocutor; Contemplatively examines…

This time our conversation was lively and lively.

Domestic affairs… harvest situation… state of industries…. We talked about the exchange rate of the ruble with foreign currencies… the budget… and so on.

“Tough times. But the worst is over. Get a good harvest. This will bring about a fundamental change in the situation. Hence, there will be improvement in the business sector and financial situation. There is a lot of work to be done now. Unnecessary expenditure of the government should be reduced and the burden on it should be removed. For this we have to carry out austerity in our institutions and industries and improve their condition. In particular, we must be firm about this. We will get out of trouble. Yes, of course we will settle again. This is certain,” said Lenin.

Foreign Affairs… Anti-Soviet Alliance of Imperialists…. Behavior of France… Britain and Germany…. America’s Role We talked about these.

Lenin said. ”They (imperialists) are greedy. They hate each other deeply. They will bump into each other. We need not rush. Our path is clear, sure; We want peace. We are arguing for a contract for this. But we are opposed to slavery and the terms of slaving contracts. Holding fast to the helm of our ship, we go our own way 20

Wom. We will not fall prey to flattery. We will not fear threats.”

Read: November 7: 106th Russian Revolution Day | The November revolution ended exploitation!

Socialist revolutionaries, Mensheviks – fanatical rebellion/resistance of these two factions against Soviet Russia….

” Yes, they aim to discredit Soviet Russia. They aid and abet the imperialists to launch an offensive against Soviet Russia. The capitalists have fallen; They are falling into the abyss. Let them stumble and stumble and perish. As for the working class, they have already died out…” said Lenin.

The papers of the White Guards… those who fled the country… Lenin was dead; They are spreading countless cynical myths saying here are the full details….

Lenin remarked with a smile: “If suffering brings them any consolation, let them suffer. Let us not deprive the dying of the last consolation.”

September 15, 1922

Comrade Lenin’s holiday
Link with image to Pravda
No. 215, September 24,1922

Stalin’s works,
Russian version,
Volume 5..

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