November 7: 106th Russian Revolution Day | The November revolution ended exploitation!

by time news

1November 7, 917 AD is a day that will forever remain in the history of the world. Exploitation was abolished for the first time on that day. It was on that day that the laborers, whose bellies were full without the option of porridge, stood tall with dignity. It was on that day that the world’s first proletarian state was established.

From that morning workers started lining the streets of Petrogi Radu with weapons. Government offices, railway stations, police stations, radio station etc. were captured. The Kremlin, the seat of government, finally fell. The capitalists ran away screaming and beating. Thus the world’s first proletariat state was established. Russia was declared a socialist country. Lenin became its head of state.

Lenin announced that he would sign an armistice agreement with all countries the moment he came to power. The people, who had been deprived of peace for a long time due to war, were relieved. All lands and resources of Russia were nationalized. The lands of farmers who had encroached upon thousands of acres of land were distributed to the poor cultivators. The poverty of the cultivators disappeared.

Read: November 7: 106th Russian Revolution Day | Socialism is a must for humanity to survive!

The working people took government power into their hands. Councils of working people called soviets ran the government. All the working people of a town are members of the town soviet. They meet once a month and make laws and plans for the town. An executive committee will also be elected to implement it. Management team members must work hard to execute those plans.

Exactly one month later the Soviet will meet again. It will consider the work of the members of the management committee. Even if the plan is not implemented, they will be sacked if there is a complaint of corruption. The Soviets also had the power to act as courts.

The Soviet system was a form of government in which the people made laws, the people enforced them, and the people administered justice. This system created by Lenin is the real democracy. In this the people are omnipotent.

The management of the factories was given to the workers. Until now goods were produced for the profit of individual capitalists. After the revolution, as many goods as the people needed were produced. Everyone was given a job according to their skills. Salary paid. Unemployment disappeared in an instant.

Read: November 7: 106th Russian Revolution Day: Let’s remember the revolutionaries!

The future of the country is in the hands of the children. Keeping this in mind, compulsory free education was provided up to the age of 20. Thousands of new schools and colleges were created in a single day. An end to rote education. Priority was given to the development of knowledge and skills.

Not only that. Soviet Russia also did another thing that no other country in the world had done. The tsar enslaved many neighboring countries. Revolution broke those chains of slavery. Lenin declared full liberation for those countries. This act was praised by the people of the world. Yet the people of those countries did not want to secede.

They wanted socialism to be implemented in their country under the leadership of Lenin. So Lenin united all these countries and formed the Soviet Union. Industrial production and agricultural production increased. The Soviet Union marched rapidly toward a prosperous future.

(This is from Lenin’s book…)

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