now it is of more interest to doctors and patients because it saves time (and also money) –

by time news
from Ruggiero Corcella

According to a survey that focuses on how the attitude towards the new technological tools that the experience of the pandemic has made necessary has changed

We struggle. In the healthcare sector, digitization still remains a distant goal. Waiting for the Mission 6 of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan get to the heart with its 25.4 billion investments on the topic of health, an investigation carried out by McKinsey still photographs a bleak state of the art: the healthcare sector digitization index achieved a score of 28 out of 100. The parameter was obtained by analyzing 18 indicators relating to the digital strategy, process capabilities and culture of a group of companies representing the sector.

The sample of a thousand respondents

Starting from this first datum, the survey then wanted to deepen the topic by interviewing a group of over a thousand doctors and citizens. They emerged four key elements which offer various food for thought. First of all, the pandemic has accelerated the use of digital health solutions. In fact, when asked how many will use these tools in the next three years, 75% of the doctors interviewed replied that they were interested (53% used them in the pre-Covid era). Among citizens, however, if before Sars-Cov-2 only 31% had experienced eHealth, now 60% of the sample says they want to try it.


The second element concerns the multicanalitfound to be essential, and the digitization of that part of the patient’s journey that takes place outside healthcare facilities. Also here. the survey asked to comment on the growth forecast of digital solutions in the next three years. Well all nine the channels taken into consideration (online reporting, online booking and payment, remote clinical support, home drug delivery, digital prevention, chronic therapy and management, real-time post-operative monitoring, remote diagnosis, real-time wellness monitoring) an average increase of thirty percentage points, compared to the era prior to Covid. However, analyzing the degree of diffusion of the individual digital solutions in the different phases of the patient’s journey, a utilization rate of more than 20% emerges only for basic services, such as booking and payment of services or reporting. For the most innovative services with a high clinical content (e-triage, chronicity monitoring and management) penetration, on the other hand, is close to zero: citizens prefer to take advantage of traditional physical channels.

The expected benefits

The last two points of the survey provide a precise picture of how much interest has arisen around the healthcare revolution. As for the third, he wondered which main benefit glimpsed the people interviewed in the new digital tools. Both patients, and doctors put in the first place the reduction of times (waiting, travel, provision of services). And the most convinced are the white coats (73% against 66% of citizens). Immediately after it comes access to superior quality services (25% and 33% respectively). There affordability it came in third place, followed by simplified access to prevention services, flexibility and personalization of the service.

The skills of doctors

Finally, the fourth key element of the survey: the clinical skills of health professionals (public and private) they are crucial to being credible providers of digital solutions. Here the question concerned the identification of the subjects best suited to deliver digital services. Over 50% of doctors and patients indicated public health workers, while for private ones the percentage dropped to 34% by doctors. The other subjects are rather detached: emerging tech companies, tech multinationals, insurance companies and financial institutions, telecommunications companies, gas / energy service companies. Digital health ecosystems typically involve different types of companies, which collaborate to pool their resources and skills – says Matteo Zanin, senior partner McKinsey & Company -. To date, in Italy there are numerous innovative solutions in terms of software and technology, which however only focus on one of the phases of the patient’s journey.

May 5, 2022 (change May 5, 2022 | 20:13)

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